Examples of College Reception in a sentence
Preferred payment methods include EFT, cheque, credit card or cash in person at College Reception.
They will pay for the interpreter.Information booklets from the ombudsman are available at the Stanley College Reception Desk and in the Student Support offices.
Please report any damage or malfunction of any fixtures or fittings via the maintenance book located on the table immediately adjacent to College Reception.
Personal details can be updated via the College Portal or by contacting College Reception on +631 8862 1000 or email reception@genazzano.vic.edu.au.
If you need a chemist urgently, ask YES College Reception or Student Services Team to find out if there is local chemist that closes late.
Visitors are required to sign in at College Reception and are issued with a badge.
Your child’s class teacher will meet you at College Reception to show you and your child around the grounds, where their classroom is for their first day, and other important places for them in their first days at Immaculate Heart College.
Students MUST notify College Reception within 7 days if you change your address in Australia or your mobile number and email.o Follow College rules, policies and procedures: You are expected to follow all College rules and policies.
Information is made available to all visitors at the College Reception.
The Complaints and Appeals Policy and Procedures are available on the College website and copies can be requested from College Reception.