Pier definition

Pier means any pier, wharf, dock, float, gridiron or other structure to promote the convenient loading or unloading or other discharge of vessels or the repair thereof.
Pier means any structure extending into navigable waters from the shore with water on both sides, built or maintained for the purpose of providing a berth for watercraft or for loading or unloading cargo or passengers onto or from watercraft. Such a structure may include a boat shelter which is removed season- ally. Such a structure may include a boat hoist or boat lift, and the hoist or lift may be permanent or may be removed seasonally.
Pier means a fixed or floating structure extending from land out over water, that is used primarily for fishing or swimming and not designed or used for mooring or accessing vessels.

Examples of Pier in a sentence

  • In accordance with the Metropolitan Pier and Exposition Authority Act, 70 ILCS 210/1 et.

  • Owner owns all rights to the name "Navy Pier," "Navy Pier Chicago," certain Navy Pier and McCormick Place likenesses, and to certain logos and service mark(s).

  • Any stock certificate issued shall bear the following or a similar legend: “The transferability of this certificate and the shares of Common Stock represented hereby are subject to the terms, conditions and restrictions (including forfeiture) contained in the Pier 1 Imports, Inc.

  • Further dividing the foundation, substructure, or superstructure into individual elements (i.e. Pier 2, Abutment 1, Span 4, etc.) will not be accepted.

  • Supplier shall not use the Navy Pier or McCormick Place name as part of Supplier's business or trade name, and Supplier shall not use Owner's logos or service marks or sell merchandise with the Navy Pier or McCormick Place name or likeness or with Owner's logos or service marks without the Owner's express written consent.

More Definitions of Pier

Pier means a platform structure supported by piles in a water body that abuts the shore to provide landing for water-dependent recreation or moorage for vessels or watercraft and does not include above water storage.
Pier means any structure, such as a dock, which extends into navigable waters from the shore, with water on both sides, and which is built or maintained for the purpose of servicing watercraft, providing a berth for watercraft, or for loading or unloading cargo or passengers onto or from watercraft. A pier may be an open deck or solid−fill structure.
Pier means dock, floating dock, and wharf.
Pier means a permanent man-made structure built for use by the public extending from land out over the water.
Pier means that portion of the support system between the footing and the manufactured home, exclusive of caps and shims.
Pier means a fixed or floating structure used primarily for fishing or swimming and not designed or used for mooring or accessing vessels.
Pier means a fixed moorage facility constructed outward from the river bank.