Pier definition
Examples of Pier in a sentence
In accordance with the Metropolitan Pier and Exposition Authority Act, 70 ILCS 210/1 et.
Owner owns all rights to the name "Navy Pier," "Navy Pier Chicago," certain Navy Pier and McCormick Place likenesses, and to certain logos and service mark(s).
Any stock certificate issued shall bear the following or a similar legend: “The transferability of this certificate and the shares of Common Stock represented hereby are subject to the terms, conditions and restrictions (including forfeiture) contained in the Pier 1 Imports, Inc.
Further dividing the foundation, substructure, or superstructure into individual elements (i.e. Pier 2, Abutment 1, Span 4, etc.) will not be accepted.
Supplier shall not use the Navy Pier or McCormick Place name as part of Supplier's business or trade name, and Supplier shall not use Owner's logos or service marks or sell merchandise with the Navy Pier or McCormick Place name or likeness or with Owner's logos or service marks without the Owner's express written consent.