Column 4 definition
Examples of Column 4 in a sentence
For each grade configuration indicate the following:• Column 1: lowest grade that corresponds to the building or program• Column 2: highest grade that corresponds to the building or program• Column 3: measure used• Column 4: assessment(s) usedFollow the examples below.
Any hours worked for which payment would result in a total exceeding the amount in Column 4 is at no cost to the City.
If time and materials is the basis of compensation, then the amount in Column 4 is a “not-to-exceed” or maximum amount.
Column 4 sets forth the total compensation the City will pay the Consultant for completing the task(s).
If the Consultant completes the task(s) for less than the amount set forth in Column 4, the Director (in the Director’s sole discretion) may use the cost savings to increase the budget of another task.
Any hours worked for which payment would result in a total exceeding the amount in Column 4 are at no cost to the City.
The amount(s) in Column 4 of Part 1 include(s) payment for all expenses.
If “fixed fee” is the basis of compensation, then the Consultant must complete the task(s) for the amount set forth in Column 4.
The amount(s) in Column 4 of Part 1 include(s) subconsultant costs.
In Column [4], check the appropriate box to indicate whether the leveraged contribution was a housing subsidy assistance or another form of support.Note: Be sure to report on the number of households supported with these leveraged funds in Part 3, Chart 1, Column d.