KPI definition

Examples of KPI in a sentence

  • I⭲ complia⭲cc witk tkc EU-U.S. KPI a⭲d tkc UK Extc⭲sio⭲ to tkc EU-U.S. KPI a⭲d tkc Swiss- U.S. KPI, ASCRḺ commits to ícrcí "⭲ícsol:cd complai⭲ts co⭲ccí⭲i⭲g o"í ka⭲dli⭲g or pcíso⭲al data íccci:cd i⭲ íclia⭲cc o⭲ tkc EU-U.S. KPI a⭲d tkc UK Extc⭲sio⭲ to tkc EU-U.S. KPI a⭲d tkc Swiss-U.S. KPI to Amcíica⭲ Aíbitíatio⭲ Associatio⭲’s I⭲tcí⭲atio⭲al Cc⭲tíc roí Kisp"tc Rcsol"tio⭲ IRM Scí:iccs roí tkc Kata Píi:acQ Iíamcwoík Píogíam (“ICKR-AAA”), a⭲ altcí⭲ati:c disp"tc ícsol"tio⭲ pío:idcí bascd i⭲ tkc U⭲itcd Statcs.

  • EU a⭲d UK i⭲di:id"als a⭲d Swiss i⭲di:id"als witk i⭲q"iíics oí complai⭲ts ícgaídi⭲g o"í ka⭲dli⭲g or pcíso⭲al data íccci:cd i⭲ íclia⭲cc o⭲ tkc EU-U.S. KPI a⭲d tkc UK Extc⭲sio⭲ to tkc EU-U.S. KPI, a⭲d tkc Swiss-U.S. KPI sko"ld riíst co⭲tact ASCRḺ at tkc addícss skow⭲ o⭲ tkc ASCRḺ “mcmbcískip pagc” o⭲ tkc ASCRḺ wcbsitc: www.ascíl.oíg.

  • Bcroíc Qo" maQ dcma⭲d EU-US KPI Aíbitíatio⭲, Qo" m"st complctc tkc rollowi⭲g stcps: (1) Qo" m"st íaisc tkc spcciric :iolatio⭲ to ASCRḺ a⭲d pío:idc ASCRḺ witk tkc oppoít"⭲itQ to ícsol:c Qo"í claim; (2) Qo" m"st makc "sc or ASCRḺ’s i⭲dcpc⭲dc⭲t íc:icw mccka⭲isms roí ícsol:i⭲g Qo"í claim; a⭲d («) Qo" m"st ⭲otirQ tkc U.S. Icdcíal ľíadc Commissio⭲ (tkc “IľC”) to allow tkc IľC tkc oppoít"⭲itQ to ícsol:c tkc disp"tc (collccti:clQ tkc “Aíbitíatio⭲ Píc- ícq"isitc Stcps”).

  • ASCRḺ kas ccítiricd to tkc U.S. Kcpaítmc⭲t or Commcícc tkat it adkcícs to tkc Swiss-U.S. Kata Píi:acQ Iíamcwoík Píi⭲ciplcs (Swiss-U.S. KPI Píi⭲ciplcs) witk ícgaíd to tkc píoccssi⭲g or pcíso⭲al data íccci:cd ríom Switzcíla⭲d i⭲ íclia⭲cc o⭲ tkc Swiss-U.S. KPI.

  • Ir tkcíc is a⭲Q co⭲rlict bctwcc⭲ tkc tcíms or tkc ASCRḺ píi:acQ policQ a⭲d tkc EU-U.S. KPI Píi⭲ciplcs a⭲d/oí tkc Swiss-U.S. KPI Píi⭲ciplcs, tkc Píi⭲ciplcs skall go:cí⭲.

More Definitions of KPI

KPI means Key Performance Indicator as set out in the Contract/Agreement, its schedules/annexures etc. The performance of the Manpower employed by the Contractor for execution of Services shall be measured through KPI. The payment to Contractor shall be based on Manpower’s performance as measured through KPI. It includes metrics in numerical, frequency and measuring process. Total manpower shall be monitored & calculated skill wise but it will be cumulative on monthly basis
KPI means the key performance indicators specified in Annex 5 (Key Performance Indicators);
KPI means the key performance indicators as defined and set out in Schedule 2;