Examples of Combining Schedule in a sentence
Special Revenue Fund:E-1 Combining Schedule of Program Revenues and Expenditures,Special Revenue Fund - Budgetary Basis 71 G.
Special Revenue Fund:E-1 Combining Schedule of Program Revenues and Expenditures,Special Revenue Fund - Budgetary Basis 70 G.
Proprietary Funds Enterprise Fund G-1 Combining Schedule of Net Position N/A G-2 Combining Schedule of Revenues, Expenses and Changes in Fund Net Position N/A G-3 Combining Schedule of Cash Flows N/A H.
E-1 Combining Schedule of Program Revenues and Expenditures Budgetary Basis .........
Special Revenue Fund:E-1 Combining Schedule of Program Revenues and Expenditures,Special Revenue Fund - Budgetary Basis 73 G.
Special Revenue Fund:E-1 Combining Schedule of Program Revenues and Expenditures,Special Revenue Fund - Budgetary Basis 78E-2 Schedule of Preschool Education aid Budgetary Basis – Not Applicable 78G.
Although identified separately in the “ESUCC Admin and Professional Development Organization” column of the Combining Schedule, the ESUCC reports the general administrative costs of the ESUCC overall, along with the ESUPDO project costs.
Special Revenue Fund:E-1 Combining Schedule of Program Revenues and Expenditures,Special Revenue Fund - Budgetary Basis 58G.
These inter-fund charges and payables were eliminated in the Combining Schedule of Plan Net Position Available for Benefits and the Combining Schedule of Changes in Plan Net Position Available for Benefits.
The budgetary expenditures amount must agree with the Budgetary Comparison Schedules (General Fund (GAAP) and Special Revenue Fund (Grant Accounting)) and the Budgetary Comparison Schedule, Note to RSI and the Special Revenue Combining Schedule of Program Revenues and Expenditures – Budgetary Basis.