Public institution means any entity established or controlled by the federal government, state government, or a local government or municipality, including, but not limited, institutions of higher education and related research institutions.
Eligible postsecondary institution means an institution as defined in Iowa Code section 261C.3.
Margin Loan Provider means the Initial Margin Loan Provider, subject to replacement by a replacement Margin Loan Provider, and any of their respective successors.
Institutional Review Board or “IRB” means, in accordance with 45 C.F.R. Part 46, 21 C.F.R. part 56, and other applicable regulations, an independent body comprising medical, scientific, and nonscientific members, whose responsibility is to ensure the protection of the rights, safety, and well-being of the Human Subjects involved in a study.
Authority or Housing Authority (HA) means the Housing Authority.
Authorized agency means any duly constituted criminal investigative department or agency of the United States or of this State; the Department of Insurance; the Department of Revenue; the Department of Public Safety; the Workers' Compensation Commission; the State Accident Fund; the Second Injury Fund; the Employment Security Commission; the Department of Consumer Affairs; the Human Affairs Commission; the Department of Health and Environmental Control; the Department of Social Services; the Department of Health and Human Services; the Department of Labor, Licensing and Regulation; all other state boards, commissions, and agencies; the Office of the Attorney General of South Carolina; or the prosecuting attorney of any judicial circuit, county, municipality, or political subdivision of this State or of the United States, and their respective employees or personnel acting in their official capacity.