Examples of Commercial Photography in a sentence
Procedure on admitting plaint.—Where the Court orders that the summons be served on the defendants in the manner provided in rule 9 of Order V, it will direct the plaintiff to present as many copies of the plaint on 1.
Commercial Photography: Please remember that rights and conditions (including fees) of commercial photography and distribution will be specified through written contract.
All enquiries can be addressed to:Anthony Prior – Ground Handling and Cargo Manager Phone 353 1 944 9967 anthony.prior@dublinairport.com 8.2 Commercial Photography & Filming:Approval must be obtained from the Dublin Airport Press Office to carry out photography, filming and/or sound recording for commercial TV programmes or cinema, or for advertising campaigns for third party products at Dublin Airport.
Use or intended use of state property for Motion Picture or Audio and/or Commercial Photography as defined herein must be arranged prior to filming, production or use with the appropriate state agency.
A Certificate of Insurance should accompany the Film and Commercial Photography Request Form for Authority approval and must be produced prior to approval of any film, photography, or video requests.
Sabrena Rodriguez, Board President 15.c Request for Consideration of a New Course; CTE Con Commercial Photography (FIRST READING)Educational Services is requesting consideration of the attached new course.
In addition to any permit fees charged by the City, there shall be a separate charge for commercial activity in the Waterfront as follows: • Movie Feature Filming Up to $1,000 per day • TV, Movie or Commercial Filming Up to $1,000 per day • Commercial Photography (still) Up to $ 500 per day • Commercial Displays or Demonstrations Up to $300 per day plus 20% of gross sales • Aquatic Activity or Exhibit $5.00 per day 2.
Professor and Director of its Commercial Photography Program Scott Sternbach has a collection of his photographs included in Race to the End of the Earth, a new major American Museum of Natural History exhibition.
Commercial Photography encompases a wide range of genres and can be broadly categorized into Business-to-business (B2B) and Business-to-consumer (B2C) sectors.
License Types This standard Commercial Photography License Agreement (Standard Commercial License) allows a customer to use licensed content in accordance with pre-defined guidelines, as stated in the Use of Licensed Content section below.