Examples of Commercially proven in a sentence
Commercially proven technologies are preferred, although NYGB may consider demonstrably commercial-ready technologies on a case- by-case basis.
It was also observed that members receive the loan as a gift or they feel responsible for loans they take.
They conclude that using father’s education as an instrument in earnings regressions is a viable option, especially considering the problems with alternatives mentioned above.
Commercially proven technologies are available in the international market for efficient production of power and heat from major biomass resources - bagasse, wood waste, palm oil waste, straw, and rice husk.
Eligible Technologies - Eligible Technologies include proposals based on Developmental Resources which must utilize CCGT technology that is equipped with functioning automatic generation control (AGC), has operating parameters that include the ability to operate in base load and load following roles consistent with MISO operating rules for resources expected to provide ancillary services, and is Commercially- proven CCGT technology.
Commercially proven only at relatively small scales compared with pulverised coal combustion;2.
Commercially proven crystallization and precipitation technology is a viable option based on the experiments detailed below.
Commercially proven technology to make steel without coal is in its infancy in Europe.
Computer is 100% COTSo The computer box is 100% commercially available off the shelf (COTS).o Allows for ease of maintenance.o Allows for inexpensive hardware upgrades.o Commercially proven materials and workmanship.o Video card is High Definition (HD)o 2 x 1000GB RAID drives (providing immediate redundancy of data) – Holds over 3500 HD scenarios and operating system.
Commercially proven technologies would, in many ways, create their own markets once in the country.