Examples of Common Costs in a sentence
Common Costs - Common costs are costs incurred for acquisition of improved or unimproved real property that benefits all residents of units in a development, rehabilitation or construction of shared systems (heating, plumbing, roofing) or shared facilities (community rooms, laundry facilities located in residential buildings); and on-site improvements.
MethodologyPSCo uses the following methods to allocate non-O&M Common Costs.
Labor AllocatorThe Labor Allocator is used to allocate Common Costs in FERC account 408 (payroll tax portion) to the electric, gas, and thermal utility divisions.
MethodologyPSCo uses the following methods to allocate O&M Common Costs and achieve the most cost- causative relationship between each FERC account or range of FERC accounts and electric, gas and thermal utility division operations: Customer AllocatorThe customer allocator is used to allocate utility division Common Costs in FERC accounts 901-903, the non-commodity bad debt portion of FERC 904, and 905-917 among electric and gas operations.
Revenue AllocatorThe revenue allocator is used to allocate utility division Common Costs for commodity bad debt, recorded in FERC account 904, among electric and gas utility divisions.