Provision of Infrastructure Sample Clauses
Provision of Infrastructure. We shall provide the Infrastructure to You pursuant to this Agreement and any relevant Order Forms during a subscription term. You agree that Your entering into this Agreement is neither contingent on the delivery of any new or additional functionality or features nor dependent on any oral or written public comments made by Us regarding future functionality or features. The infrastructure provided hereunder is provided as a Platform as a Service (“PaaS”) offering. As such the hardware and software are accessed by You over the internet rather than located on Your premises. Platform updates, security patches and general maintenance of the infrastructure are performed by Us and included with Your subscription pricing.
Provision of Infrastructure. The Mine Operator shall, at its own cost and expense, endeavour to provide, or cause to be provided, in or near the township, the following:
(a) [Electric substation connected with the grid, for supplying electricity to the Mines no later than the 1st (first) anniversary of the Appointed Date;
(b) road connection between the boundary of the Mines and the nearest existing road, no later than the 1st (first) anniversary of the Appointed Date;
(c) rail connection between the Coal Depot and the railway network, no later than the 2nd (second) anniversary of the Appointed Date; and
Provision of Infrastructure. The Authority shall, at its own cost and expense, endeavour to provide, or cause to be provided, in or near the township, the following:
(a) a [132 kV/ 33 kV] (one hundred thirty two kilovolt to thirty three kilovolt) electric substation connected with the grid, for supplying electricity to the Mines no later than the 1st (first) anniversary of the Appointed Date;
(b) road connection between the boundary of the Mines and the nearest existing road, no later than the 1st (first) anniversary of the Appointed Date; and
(c) rail connection between the Coal Depot and the railway network, no later than the 2nd (second) anniversary of the Appointed Date, including a railway siding for loading of Coal.
Provision of Infrastructure. Since the development is located in a TIF district, the City already has provided industrial- quality streets, utility services, and other required infrastructure improvements without assessment or charges of any kind to adjacent property owners. Additional off-site improvements also can be provided at no cost, if necessary. When appropriate, the City will apply for a TEA Grant and/or other Grants from the State of Wisconsin to help finance transportation related infrastructure improvements. The TEA Grant program is a matching grant program with projects capped at $1 million, and will fund $5,000 for every FTE created and retained. For more information, please visit business/econdev/tea.htm. Companies that locate or expand in the City of Beloit are eligible to claim tax credits for job creation for full-time positions that are Wisconsin residents. Credits generally range between $3,000 and $8,000 per FTE created. Furthermore, companies located and conducting economic activity in the Development Zone will be eligible to claim state income tax credits for capital investments. These credits can be applied at 3% against the purchase price of real estate, personal property, or construction costs. These credits can carried forward up to 15 years. For larger projects creating 100 or more jobs, businesses may be eligible for a significantly larger amount of State income tax credits by applying directly to the State through the Wisconsin Economic Development Corporation. The tax credits are non-refundable and non-transferable and must be applied against a certified businesses Wisconsin income tax liability. In the case of an S-Corporation or an LLC or other pass-through entity, tax credits flow through to the owners the same way as the income. Tax credits can be carried forward for 15 years. Eligible business activities include:
Provision of Infrastructure. The Grantee is responsible for providing and maintaining any hardware, software, and additional ITS infrastructure that may be necessary to obtain the Traffic Video. Xxxxxxx agrees that TxDOT does not guarantee the availability of the Traffic Video or a minimum response time to reestablish the availability of the Traffic Video due to maintenance or network or system failures. The Grantee shall not place any objects or equipment in the State Right-of-Way or on any other TxDOT property without advanced written permission from the District Engineer or designee.
Provision of Infrastructure. All stakeholders value the provision of appropriate infrastructure to support the sustainable use of the River by all users.
Provision of Infrastructure. The Mine Developer and Operator shall, at its own cost and expense, develop and maintain the following:
(a) A [33 kV/6.6 kV] (thirty three kilovolt/ six point six kilo Volt) Main receiving Station connected with the grid, HT and LT sub stations and other facilities for power distribution system for mines, Coal handling Plant, Conveyors, Residential buildings, service and amenity buildings, statutory buildings, silos etc. and other units of the Site.
(b) Standby power back-up facility suitable to the requirements;
(c) Coal Handling Plant including truck unloading hoppers, belt conveyors, transfer houses, stacker reclaimer, rapid loading silos for delivery of Coal; other ancilliary facilities for water supply, dust suppression, fire fighting etc.
(d) Effluent treatment system;
(e) Administrative office of MDO, site office of MDO, canteen, water treatment plant with RO plant, Mine dewatering and drainage facilities including pump houses, pumps, pipes & fittings, effluent treatment plant, settling pits, MDO township, diesel dispensing unit, workshop and store and other facilities as required under Applicable Laws;
(f) IT Networking, internal telecommunication infrastructure catering to basic telephone connectivity and other value added telecom services, VHF etc.;
(g) Drainage system for storm water drainage including garland drains along the Mine pits, fixed infrastructures etc,;
(h) Sewage treatment plant and waste water disposal system;
(i) Fire fighting, dust suppression system etc.
(j) Development, strengthening and maintenance of roads as required within the mines, the Site and for access to the site.
(k) Conveying system, as defined in Clause 5.14 of this Agreement
Provision of Infrastructure. The Grantee is responsible for providing and maintaining any hardware, software, and additional ITS infrastructure that is necessary to obtain the Traffic Data. TxDOT may provide unused ITS infrastructure and TxDOT facilities to support the additional infrastructure when possible, and when deemed to be in the best interest of TxDOT. Grantee agrees that TxDOT does not guarantee the availability of the Traffic Data or a minimum response time to reestablish the availability of the Traffic Data due to maintenance or network or system failures. A more detailed description of ITS infrastructure to be provided by each party is shown in Attachment A. The Grantee shall not place any objects or equipment in the State Right-of-Way or on any other TxDOT property without advanced written permission from the District Engineer or designee.
Provision of Infrastructure. Each party is responsible for providing and maintaining any hardware, software, and additional ITS infrastructure that is necessary to obtain the Traffic Data. Either party may provide unused ITS infrastructure and facilities to support the additional infrastructure when possible, and when deemed to be in the best interest of the providing party. Neither party guarantees the availability of the Traffic Data or a minimum response time to reestablish the availability of the Traffic Data due to maintenance or network or system failures. A more detailed description of ITS infrastructure to be provided by each party is shown in Attachment A. CTRMA shall not place any objects or equipment in the State Right-of-Way or on any other TxDOT property without advanced written permission from the District Engineer or designee. TxDOT shall not place any objects or equipment in CTRMA Right-of-Way or on any other CTRMA property without advanced written permission from the CTRMA’s Executive Director or designee.
Provision of Infrastructure. We shall provide the Infrastructure to You pursuant to this Agreement and any relevant Order Forms during a subscription term. You agree that Your entering into this Agreement is neither contingent on the delivery of any future functionality or features nor dependent on any oral or written public comments made by Us regarding future functionality or features.