Common Issues definition
Examples of Common Issues in a sentence
The document informed the 2010 national bargaining Common Issues Committee (CIC) PSP Subgroup and resulted in new language.
Recognizing the inherent efficiencies for both the Ministry and the LHINs in maintaining common structures and policies, the LHIN agrees that it will act in concert with the other LHINs to resolve Common Issues in a common manner.
In 2000, the Common Issues Committee (CIC), made up of union and management representatives from across the country, successfully negotiated a five-year National Agreement covering 33 bargaining units.
As noted above, this Guide supersedes all previous Study Data Specifications documents (Versions1.0 - 2.0) and CDER Study Data Common Issues Documents (Versions 1.0 -1.1).
For more details, please refer to “5.2 Common Issues in Post-selection: Procedure of Research Work”.