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Top-Issue definition

Top-Issue means issues and/or failures identified and prioritized jointly by SAP and Licensee in accordance with SAP standards which (i) endanger Go-Live of a pre-production system or (ii) have a significant business impact on a Production System.
Top-Issue means issues and/or failures identified and prioritized jointly by SAP and Customer in accordance with SAP standards which:
Top-Issue means issues and/or failures identified and prioritized jointly by SAP and Licensee in accordance with SAP standards which (i) endanger Go-Live of a pre-production system or (ii) have a significant business impact on Licensee’s core Production System.

Examples of Top-Issue in a sentence

  • SAP may deliver further CQC’s in cases where vital alerts reported by SAP EarlyWatch Alert or in those cases where Company and the SAP Advisory Center mutually agree that such a service is needed to handle a Top-Issue.

  • SAP may deliver further CQC’s in cases where vital alerts reported by SAP EarlyWatch Alert or in those cases where Licensee and the SAP Advisory Center mutually agree that such a service is needed to handle a Top-Issue.

  • Enterprise Support 솔루션과 직접 관련이 있는 우선순위 1 과 Top-Issue 에 대해 SAP 는 SAP 지원 조직 내에 핵심 지원 관련 요청을 위한 글로벌 조직(“파트너 지원 자문 센터”)을 운영합니다.

  • SAP may deliver further CQC’s in cases where vital alerts are reported by SAP EarlyWatch Alert or in those cases where Licensee and the SAP Advisory Center mutually agree that such a service is needed to handle a Top-Issue.

More Definitions of Top-Issue

Top-Issue means issues and/or failures identified and prioritized jointly by SAP and Ordering Activity in accordance with SAP standards which (i) endanger Go-Live of a pre-production system or (ii) have a significant business impact on Ordering Activity’s core Production System.
Top-Issue means issues and/or failures identified and prioritized jointly by SAP and Licensee in accordance with SAP standards which (i) endanger Go-Live of a pre-production system or
Top-Issue means issues and/or failures identified and prioritized jointly by SAP and Company in accordance with SAP standards which (i) endanger Go-Live of a pre-production system or (ii) have a significant business impact on a productively used system.
Top-Issue means very special and critical Incidents identified by SAP Early Watch® Alert or G3G and prioritised jointly by SAP and G3G in accordance with the SAP standards which (i) may endanger Go-Live of Licensee pre-Production System or (ii) have a significant business impact on a core Licensee’s Production System.
Top-Issue means issues and/or failures identified and prioritized jointly by HASHCASH and Partner in accordance with HASHCASH standards which (i) endanger Go-Live of a pre-production system or (ii) have a significant business impact on a Production System.
Top-Issue means issues and/or failures identified and prioritized jointly by SAP and
Top-Issue means issues and/or failures identified and prioritized jointly by SAP and Licensee in accordance with SAP standards which (i) endanger Go- Live of a pre-production system or (ii) have a significant business impact on a Production System. 1.7 “Top-Issue”는 SAP 표준에 따라 SAP 와 라이센스 사용권자가 공동으로 확인하고 우선순위를 지정한 것으로서, (i) 운영 전 단계 시스템인 Go-Live 에 차질을 빚거나 (ii) 운영 시스템에 업무상 중대한 영향을 끼칠 수 있는 문제 및/또는오류를 의미합니다. 1.8 “Local Office Time” shall mean regular working hours (8.00 a.m. to 6.00 p.m.) during regular working days, in accordance with the applicable public holidays observed by SAP’s registered office. With regard to SAP Enterprise Support only, both parties can mutually agree upon a different registered office of one of SAP’s affiliates to apply and serve as reference for the Local Office Time. 1.8 “현지 근무 시간”은 SAP 등록 사무소가 준수하는 공휴일에 따른 정규 근무일의 정규 근무 시간(오전 8 시부터 오후6 시까지)을 의미합니다. SAP Enterprise Support 에 대한 경우에 한해, 양 당사자는 SAP 계열사 중 한 곳의 다른 등록 사무소를 현지 근무 시간의 기준으로 적용하기로 상호 합의할수 있습니다. 1.9 “SAP’s Customer Support Website” shall mean SAP’s customer facing support website under http://support.sap.com/. 1.9 “SAP 고객 지원 웹사이트”는 http://support.sap.com/에 제시된 SAP 의 고객 응대 지원 웹사이트를 의미합니다. 2. Scope of SAP Enterprise Support. Licensee may request and SAP shall provide, to such degree as SAP makes such services generally available in the Territory, SAP Enterprise Support services. SAP Enterprise Support currently includes: 2. SAP Enterprise Support 범위. 라이센스 사용권자는 SAP Enterprise Support 서비스를 SAP 가 해당 국가에서 일반적으로 제공할 수 있는 수준까지 요청할 수 있으며, SAP 는 이를 제공할 것입니다. SAP Enterprise Support 에는 현재 다음과 같은 내용이 포함됩니다. Continuous Improvement and Innovation 지속적인 기능 향상 및 혁신 • New software releases of the licensed EnterpriseSupport Solutions, as well as tools and procedures for upgrades. • 라이센스된 Enterprise Support 솔루션의 새로운 소프트웨어 릴리스와 업그레이드 도구 및 방법 • Support packages - correction packages to reduce the effort of implementing single corrections. Support packages may also contain corrections toadapt existing functionality to changed legal and regulatory requirements. • Support 패키지 - 개별적인 수정 노력을 줄이기 위한 수정 패키지. Support 패키지에는 기존 기능을 변경된 법적 요건 및 규제 요건에 맞추기 위한 수정이 포함될 수 있습니다. • For releases of the SAP Business Suite 7 core applications (starting with SAP ERP 6.0 and with releases of SAP CRM 7.0, SAP SCM 7.0, SAP SRM 7.0 and SAP PLM 7.0 shipped in 2008), SAP may provide enhanced functionality and/or innovation through enhancement packages or by other means as available. During mainstream maintenance for an SAP core applica...