Examples of Community sentence in a sentence
Community sentence not available where sentence fixed by law etc.
Community sentence and other types of referral 9.8 Where it is assessed that the above criteria is met and that the case requires to be managed at MAPPA Level 2 or 3, then a referral must be submitted to the MAPPA Coordinator within five working days of the assessment being made.
These are schemes that involve the referral of offenders, whose drug abuse is identified by a probation officer between the point of arrest and sentencing, to a treatment service;• Community sentence.
Community sentence shall be imposed upon an offender aged from 16 to under 18 who involuntarily commits a less serious crime, serious crime, or very serious crime, or an offender aged from 14 to under 16 who deliberately commits a very serious crime.2. When community sentence is imposed upon a juvenile offender, his/her income must not be deducted.The duration of community sentence imposed upon a juvenile offender shall not exceed one third of the duration specified by the law.Article 101.
Section 150: Community sentence not available where sentence fixed by law, etc.