Community Services and Support definition
Examples of Community Services and Support in a sentence
Ireland experienced rapid growth in immigration at the turn of the century, perpetuated by the Celtic Tiger.
What the administration didn’t do for hours was to lift a finger to call off the mob or to rally support to defend the government, the historic monuments in the Capitol, the police, or especially the people under siege in the building.
Eligibility will be established as follows: • Eligible for enrollment in MHSA funded Full Service Partnership:Applicants must be eligible for enrollment in an MHSA-funded Full Service Partnership program that is funded and approved by the State as part of the County’s Community Services and Support Plan.
Fertilizers shall be applied to the turf four (4) times per year.
The original intent of the funds was to allocate one million dollars of the Community Services and Support (CSS) funding to design and implement a MHSA Full Service Partnership (FSP) for African American males and one million dollars from Prevention and Early Intervention (PEI) funding to design and implement culturally responsive PEI programs for the African American community.
Revised Document Request No. 43 states as follows: Provide the MnCHOICES assessment, Case Support Plan, Community Services and Support Plan, My Move Form, transition plan, person- centered plan, correspondence between the Waiver recipient and case manager, lead agency and/or DHS, and case notes since January 1, 2015 for the following individuals: a.
Specifically, DHS estimates it would take approximately 142 hours to pull MnChoices Assessments, Consumer Support Plans, and Community Services and Support Plans, and DHS estimates it would take approximately ten minutes to two hours to pull extraneous and miscellaneous documents (including potentially portions of case notes) out of SSIS for each of the 752 files at issue, because each file would have to be reviewed manually and contain differing quantities of data.
TQ welcomes and thanks the Community Services and Support Committee (the Committee) for the opportunity to comment on the Housing Legislation Amendments Bill 2021 and the Residential Tenancies and Rooming Accommodation (Tenants' Rights) and Other Legislation Amendment Bill 2021.We congratulate the Queensland government for taking on this important issue and its contribution to date, in improving rental laws in our state.
The Full Service Partnership service category is a category of allowable costs within the Community Services and Support component of the Three-Year Program and Expenditure Plan.
Defendant further states that it understands “Case Support Plan” refers to “Consumer Support Plan.” Defendant further states that Defendant has MnCHOICES assessments, Consumer Support Plans, and Community Services and Support Plans in its possession, custody, or control.