Community solar program definition
Examples of Community solar program in a sentence
Community solar program design in New York makes it difficult for developers to acquire residential customers, but despite the design, the program incentivizes residential and low-income access if the developers are able to recruit them.
Community solar program design in Colorado has resulted in an aggressive RFP process that has driven the price of RECs into negatives and makes financing of projects difficult.
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASEJuly 20, 2023 Community solar program developers can now reach out to potential subscribers SANTA FE – The New Mexico Public Regulation Commission (NMPRC), along with program administrator InClime Inc., this week released the state’s community solar program subscriber information disclosure form, an important milestone for the program that allows projects that have been awarded capacity to develop solar facilities to begin enrolling existing utility customers.
Community solar program participants will make two types of payments: 1.
Community solar program design in Minnesota has successfully accomplished solar market growth in Minnesota, but the benefits in the form of bill credits have not been distributed equitably.