Examples of Community solar project in a sentence
Green informed the board that the Town of Greene would like to be lead agency for the Greene Community solar project, SEQRA for the project has been received and is on file.
The lower annual costs and added flexibility enable the borrowers to undertake deeper and more extensive energy efficiency retrofits than would have been possible in the absence of NYGB’s participation.• Community solar project developers participating in conferences in 2017 and 2018 reported that it was becoming easier to find banks and equity investor interested in providing financial support for their projects.14Evidence of NYGB Influence.
At project design stage, it seemed that the intention to install another diesel generator (which was ultimately funded by the World Bank) and the Pacific Environment Community solar project could have been communicated and incorporated into the original design.
Consumer Protections: Community solar project awardees will be required to provide program participants with detailed information on terms and conditions.
Community solar project developers may be interested in a few large customers, particularly commercial customers as they are viewed as less likely to default.