Examples of Complaint period in a sentence
The District must review the IEP annually but can amend the IEP in between reviews if parents are included.22 During the Complaint period, the District held four IEP team meetings with the Parents, each lasting at least three hours.
Funds are also invested in Federal Home Loan Banks Discount OID which are not rated.
The Complaint period is an opportunity for the Bidder to voice objections, raise concerns or suggest changes.
II, Annexes 50–69); (iii) United Nations documents, including from the CERD Committee (Vol.
The Student’s placement with the District remained unchanged during the Complaint period, with the exception of the Parent’s decision to end the Student’s day treatment with Lifeways.
The Parent alleges that District provided the Student with as little as one hour of education per day during the Complaint period as a result of the District failing to create an effective Behavior Support Plan.
There is more than a minor discrepancy between the District agreeing to provide 14 counseling sessions between May 2018 and January 2019—and providing no counseling sessions—the former of which represents the number of counseling sessions the Student should have received during the Complaint period.
During the Complaint period, forty percent of the cited violations were associated with the chlorine disinfection process, namely, effluent limitation violations for disinfection by-products (dichlorobromomethane, carbon tetrachloride and cyanide) and total residual chlorine.
Also, both the Parent and the Student’s stepparent attended and actively participated in each of the three IEP Team Meetings that convened during the Complaint period.
Mayor$13,000.00Committee ***25% Reimbursed Shared Service Motion: Freitag Second: ShoemakerRoll Call Vote: Hankins: Aye ; Facemyer: Aye ; Freitag: Aye; Ritter: Aye ; Shoemaker: Aye At 7:49 pm Ritter, seconded by Shoemaker, moved to open the Public Hearing of Ordinance No. 12-02:Vacating Public Unimproved Right–of-Way.