Report Period definition

Report Period as defined in subsection 2.18.
Report Period. The period beginning with the final Business Day of the calendar month preceding the current calendar month, and ending on the final Business Day of the current calendar month.
Report Period. The most recent consumer satisfaction survey completed prior to the end of the SFY 2007 contract period. For the EDD performance measure, the MCP must meet the P4P standard for the report period of July - December, 2006 to be considered for SFY 2007 P4P. The MCP meets the P4P standard if one of two criteria are met. The P4P standard is a performance level of either:

Examples of Report Period in a sentence

  • Changes in Ownership, Operation or ManagementCheck the box to the right if there were any changes in the ownership, operation, or management of the facility during the report period or since the last day of the Report Period.

  • Report Period Workload TotalsPlease report the workload totals for in-house and contract services as requested.

  • The Contractor shall submit reports in accordance with the following schedule: Report Period Covered Due Dates MFMP Transaction Fee Report Calendar month 15th calendar day of the month following the receipt of payment for the vendor’s good or services.

  • List all services provided by your facility for non-patients.1 2 3 4 (E.g., day care, "meals on wheels", outpatient therapy) Beds at Beginning of Report Period Licensure Level of Care Beds at End of Report Period Licensed Bed Days DuringReport Period None F.

  • The Contractor shall submit reports in accordance with the following schedule: Report Period Covered Due Dates MFMP Transaction Report Calendar month 15th calendar day of the month following the receipt of payment for the vendor’s good or services.

More Definitions of Report Period

Report Period. For the third and fourth quarters of SFY 2007, January – March 2007, and April – June 2007 report periods. For the SFY 2008 contract period, July – September 2007, and October – December 2007.
Report Period. For the SFY 2004 contract period, performance will be evaluated using the January-December, 2003 report period. For the SFY 2005 contract period, performance will be evaluated using the January-December, 2004 report period. Minimum Performance Standard : 65% of the adults must receive a visit.
Report Period. The report period is one year. Results are calculated and performance is monitored annually. Performance is measured with each review.
Report Period. The report period for this measure is monthly. Results are calculated and performance is monitored monthly. The first reporting month begins with the third month of enrollment.
Report Period. The most recent consumer satisfaction survey completed prior to the end of the SFY2008. For each clinical performance measure listed below, the MCP must meet the P4P standard to be considered for SFY 2008 P4P. The MCP meets the P4P standard if one of two criteria are met. The P4P standard is a performance level of either:
Report Period. In order to provide timely feedback on the accuracy rate of encounters, the report period will be the most recent from when the measure is initiated. This measure is conducted annually. Medical records retrieval from the provider and submittal to ODJFS or its designee is an integral component of the validation process. ODJFS has optimized the sampling to minimize the number of records required. This methodology requires a high record submittal rate. To aid MCPs in achieving a high submittal rate, ODJFS will give at least an 8 week period to retrieve and submit medical records as a part of the validation process. A record submittal rate will be calculated as a percentage of all records requested for the study.
Report Period. For the SFY 2007 contract period, performance will be evaluated using the following report periods: April—June 2006; July—September 2006; October—December 2006 and January—March 2007. For the SFY 2008 contract period, performance will be evaluated using the following report periods: April—June 2007; July—September 2007; October—December 2007 and January—March 2008. Data Quality Standard 1: Data Quality Standard 1 is a maximum encounter data rejection rate of 10% for each file in the ODJFS-specified medium per format for encounters submitted in SFY 2004 and thereafter. The measure will be calculated per MCP (i.e., to include all counties serviced by the MCP).