Compostable Material definition

Compostable Material means organic material that can be converted to finished compost. Compostable material comprises class 1 compostable material and class 2 compostable material.
Compostable Material means solid organic waste that may be decomposed under controlled conditions by micro-organisms under aerobic or anaerobic conditions which result in a stable humus-like material free of pathogenic organisms (e.g., food wastes, yard wastes, and low moisture content wastewater sludge).
Compostable Material means any organic material that when accumulated will become active compost. 14 CCR 17852(a)(11)

Examples of Compostable Material in a sentence

  • Compostable Material means an organic material excluding waste water treatment residuals which has the potential to be composted and which is pre-sorted and is not contaminated by significant amounts of toxic substances, as those terms are or may be defined by 310 CMR 19.00: Solid Waste Management.

  • Commercial and Multifamily Customers shall set Solid Waste, Recyclable Material, and Compostable Material Receptacles in an enclosure that is readily accessible, located on a hard, level surface extending to the street, safe to empty or load, and does not require a Franchisee to go up and down stairs.

  • Both office and on-route staff shall be knowledgeable and courteous in answering Customer information requests and resolving Customer complaints regarding Solid Waste, Recyclable Material and Compostable Material collection.

  • When a Commercial or Multifamily Customer initiates service, the Franchisee shall perform an assessment of the Customer’s needs to assist the Customer in choosing an optimal combination of service for Solid Waste, Recyclable Material, and Compostable Material collection, keeping in mind the City’s waste recovery goals.

  • Compostable Material includes Garbage and Yard Waste and can include paper.

More Definitions of Compostable Material

Compostable Material and “Compostable” means primarily Food Scraps and includes coffee filters and BPI-certified compostable plastic liner bags.
Compostable Material means any organic material that when accumulated will become active compost.
Compostable Material means the biological composition of organic materials that when processed under controlled circumstances will create Compost.
Compostable Material means a material that is designed
Compostable Material and “Compostable” means yard debris, food scraps and food soiled paper when source separated for controlled biological decomposition. Compostable material shall not include food soiled paper containing plastic or other materials that inhibit controlled biological decomposition.
Compostable Material means Yard Waste or Organic Waste as categorized in Schedule "B" and "C" of this By-law.
Compostable Material means any material that is primarily organic and can be decomposed through biological activity. Compostable plastics or lined papers must meet ASTM D6400 and ASTM D6868, respectively, as certified by the Biodegradable Products Institute or other similar independent certification bodies.