Comprehensive Nutrient Management Plan definition

Comprehensive Nutrient Management Plan or “CNMP” means a conservation system that is unique to an animal feeding operation (AFO). A CNMP is a grouping of conservation practices and management activities which, when implemented as part of a conservation system, will help to ensure that both production and natural resource protection goals are achieved. A CNMP incorporates practices to use animal manure and organic by-products as beneficial resources. A CNMP addresses natural resource concerns dealing with soil erosion, manure, and organic by-products and their potential impacts on all natural resources including water and air quality, which may derive from an AFO. A CNMP is developed to assist an AFO owner/operator in meeting all applicable local, tribal, state, and federal water quality goals or regulations. For nutrient-impaired stream segments or water bodies, additional management activities or conservation practices may be required by local, tribal, state, or federal water quality goals or regulations. [From proposed Natural Resources Conservation Service Environmental Quality Incentives Program (NRCS EQIP) rules.]
Comprehensive Nutrient Management Plan or "nutrient management plan" means a plan to properly store, handle, and spread manure and other agricultural byproducts to:
Comprehensive Nutrient Management Plan means a site-specific plan to properly manage agricultural wastes and agricultural wastewaters, including runoff and seepage from land application areas, in order to minimize the impacts of animal feeding operations on water quality.

Examples of Comprehensive Nutrient Management Plan in a sentence

  • Ideally, Tier 3 would include a Comprehensive Nutrient Management Plan with phosphorus indexing at the appropriate stage in the planning process.

  • Consult EQIP Comprehensive Nutrient Management Plan (CNMP) Requirements (EQIP Schedule Attachment B) for details.

  • Incentive payments may be made to encourage a producer to adopt land management, manure management, integrated pest management, irrigation water management and wildlife habitat management practices or to develop a Comprehensive Nutrient Management Plan (CNMP).

  • Tier 3 should include a Comprehensive Nutrient Management Plan with phosphorus indexing.

  • Upon completion, water quality will be protected by producer’s adherence to the Comprehensive Nutrient Management Plan (CNMP) for application of litter.

  • Natural Resources Conservation Service Comprehensive Nutrient Management Plan (CNMP) The Comprehensive Nutrient Management Plan (CNMP) is an important part of the conservation management system for your Animal Feeding Operation (AFO).

  • Land application of wastes shall be done in accordance with a Comprehensive Nutrient Management Plan developed by a certified nutrient management planner.

  • Account holders with properties operating under a certified Comprehensive Nutrient Management Plan or Prescribed Grazing Plan are eligible for a 25% credit.

  • Manure from the one CAFO located within the watershed, Country Ayre Farms LLC, as well as from others located just outside the watershed must be applied in accordance with a Comprehensive Nutrient Management Plan, which limits the amount of phosphorus applied to the fields.

  • If the project has a Comprehensive Nutrient Management Plan (CNMP) prepared in collaboration with USDA-NRCS staff, resources conservation goals discussed in the CNMP may be included in this section.

More Definitions of Comprehensive Nutrient Management Plan

Comprehensive Nutrient Management Plan means a plan that identifies actions or

Related to Comprehensive Nutrient Management Plan

  • Comprehensive Plan means a generalized, coordinated land use map and policy statement of the governing body of a local government that interrelates all functional and natural systems and activities relating to the use of lands, including but not limited to sewer and water systems, trans- portation systems, educational facilities, recreational facilities, and natural resources and air and water quality management programs. “Comprehensive” means all-inclusive, both in terms of the geographic area covered and functional and natural activities and systems occurring in the area covered by the plan. “General nature” means a summary of policies and proposals in broad catego- ries and does not necessarily indicate specific locations of any area, activity or use. A plan is “co- ordinated” when the needs of all levels of governments, semipublic and private agencies and the citizens of Oregon have been considered and accommodated as much as possible. “Land” includes water, both surface and subsurface, and the air.

  • Management Plan means a plan to manage the activities and protect the special value or values in an Antarctic Specially Protected Area or an Antarctic Specially Managed Area.

  • Stormwater management plan means the set of drawings and other documents that comprise all the information and specifications for the programs, drainage systems, structures, BMPs, concepts and techniques intended to maintain or restore quality and quantity of stormwater runoff to pre-development levels.

  • Radiation therapy simulation system means a radiographic or fluoroscopic x-ray system intended for localizing the volume to be exposed during radiation therapy and confirming the position and size of the therapeutic irradiation field.

  • Asset Management Plan means a strategic document that states how a group of assets are to be managed over a period of time. The plan describes the characteristics and condition of infrastructure assets, the levels of service expected from them, planned actions to ensure the assets are providing the expected level of service, and financing strategies to implement the planned actions. The plan may use any appropriate format, as long as it includes the information and analysis required to be in a plan as described in Ontario’s Building Together: Guide for Asset Management Plans.

  • Quality Assurance Program means the overall quality program and associated activities including the Department’s Quality Assurance, Design-Builder Quality Control, the Contract’s quality requirements for design and construction to assure compliance with Department Specifications and procedures.

  • Procurement Plan means the Recipient’s procurement plan for the Project, dated April 2, 2010, and referred to in paragraph 1.16 of the Procurement Guidelines and paragraph 1.24 of the Consultant Guidelines, as the same shall be updated from time to time in accordance with the provisions of said paragraphs.