Computer Resources definition
Examples of Computer Resources in a sentence
CUNY does not routinely monitor, inspect, or disclose individual usage of CUNY Computer Resources without the User’s consent.
This policy applies to all Users of CUNY Computer Resources, as defined in Article III below.
Selected soil samples were analysed for the parameters of M&I, PAHs, VOCs and PHCs, under Ontario Regulation 153/04 (“O.
However, the use of CUNY Computer Resources, including for electronic transactions and communications, like the use of other University-provided resources and activities, is subject to the requirements of legal and ethical behavior.
Therefore, whenever possible, CUNY will resolve doubts about the need to access CUNY Computer Resources in favor of a User’s privacy interest.However, the use of CUNY Computer Resources, including for electronic transactions and communications, like the use of other University-provided resources and activities, is subject to therequirements of legal and ethical behavior.