Condensed milk definition
Examples of Condensed milk in a sentence
Definition, classification, composition, outline of manufacture, packaging, storage and defects of the following milk products: Cream, Malai, Dahi /Curd, yoghurt, Channa / Paneer, Cheese, Ice cream , Frozen desserts, Evaporated milk, Condensed milk, Milk powder, Butter, Ghee, Chakka and Shrikhand, Indigenous milk products.
Condensed milk, Sweetened Condensed Milk and Formulated condensed milkThis standard is suitable for evaporated milk, sweetened condensed milk and formulated condensed milk.
Condensed milk, Holsum cooking fat (which consists mostly of solidified palm oil) and sucrose were purchased from retail supermarkets.
Condensed milk or partially dehydrated milk must have an aspect of white semi- liquid milk, an amber color and it cannot have a specific odor or flavor.
Condensed milk pudding (P)The P samples made with FD and SD whole egg were prepared by mixing WE powder with water and slowly stirring in a plastic container (NATUROVOS, 2012), while P samples made with fresh (F) whole eggs followed the same formulation without addition of water.
Condensed milk production remained stable at 1.3 million tonnes in 1994, 1995 and 1996.
According to Dewey, reflective thinking is: "active, persistent, and careful consideration of any beliefs or supposedly from knowledge in the light of the grounds that support it and the conclusion to which it tends".
Condensed milk iii thousands of casO^, large-quantities ot bacon (dead andtaken in Cork to put restriction of -exportsinto practical force outside of the realms of the: .“ Gazette” will be adopted- thronghoaV, V i - SJTO Otb.-.
Condensed milk Remaining a key dairy of low-income earners In spite of low nutritional content, condensed milk held 8.3% value share within the dairy market thanks to its long prevalence among Vietnamese consumers, especially low-income earners.
After consultation with representatives of target groups within focus groups, following incentive package was proposed:1- Sugar - 1 kg;- Instant coffee 100 g - 1 package;- Black tea 100 g - 1 package;- Cotton oil of 1000 ml - 1 bottle;- Rice - 2 kg;- Condensed milk of 500 ml - 1 package;- Canned beef, 500 g - 1 package.Incentive package will be centrally procured by the UNODC ROCA and handed over to the survey implementing partner for distribution among the survey respondents.