Condition of approval definition

Condition of approval means conditions subject to which an application in terms of the Act was approved;
Condition of approval means a condition imposed by the City on the approval of a land development application in terms of land use planning legislation;
Condition of approval means a condition prescribed by the Municipality with regards to the approval of a development application in terms of land use planning legislation;

More Definitions of Condition of approval

Condition of approval means any condition imposed by the Municipality as part of a land development application to be adhered to and exercised as part of a right granted to the property;
Condition of approval means all conditions imposed by the Municipality with regards to the approval of land use and land development application in terms of land use planning legislation;
Condition of approval means a requirement which must be carried out by the establishment in order to cure its violation of the performance standards of Section 6.104.060 and to ensure its compliance with those standards.
Condition of approval means a condition imposed by the Bitou Local Municipality on the approval of a development application in terms of land use planning legislation;
Condition of approval means a requirement set out under Part 1 of the Schedule to these Regulations which is to be complied with as a condition of approval under section 342 of the 1996 Act;
Condition of approval means condition(s) imposed in the approval of land development application(s),
Condition of approval means any condition imposed by the Municipality as part of an application to be adhered to and to be exercised as part of the authorisation to restrict access granted by the Municipality;