Examples of Condoned in a sentence
Condoned passes shall be permitted for purposes of graduation in one of the programme's modules only; they should preferably only be permitted in elective modules rather than core modules.
Summative Components may be:a) Condonable: On a Condonable Component, any mark below the Pass Mark, including marks of 0.00%/ Grade F, may be Condoned, if the student meets the Module Pass Requirements in Section 3.10 below.b) Non-Condonable: Where a Programme designates a module as Non-condonable (see Section 9.3: Condonement), the Programme may also determine that one or more components within that module are Non-condonable (must be passed).
Livingston, A Bright Line Points Toward Legal Compromise: IRS Condoned Lobbying Activities for Religious Entities and Non-Profits, 9 RUTGERS J.
C = Condoned, means that the learner‟s marks were not good but is promoted to the next grade due to repeating the phase more than once or is over age for that class.The table (5.2) above shows scholastic progress of the eight participants.
Delay due to Post or Other reason, will not be Condoned and the tender will be summarily rejected.7. Affidavit on Non-Judicial Stamp paper of Rs. 100/- (Annexure-B) regarding the firm and its Director/Manager/Proprietor has not been found guilty of malpractices, misconduct or blacklisted/debarred for the quoted product by JNVU, Govt.
Condoned cruelty can therefore be revived, say, by desertion or adultery." Section 23 (1) (b) of the Act, it may be urged, speaks of condonation but not of its revival and therefore the English doctrine of revival should not be imported into matters arising under the Act.
Condoned by the central elite, the destruction of the last primary rainforests in Southeast Asia was and is justified on the grounds of national development (Sunderlin, 2006), but the economic returns are generally concentrated in private profit with little local benefit.
The most prevalent type of student absence recognised in all schools, other than illness, was overwhelmingly that of “Parent Condoned Absenteeism” or “Parent Withdrawal” with much fewer absences being due to “Truancy” or “School Refusal”.
Except as provided below, if the Grantee voluntarily ceases to be an employee of SLM Corporation (the “Corporation”) (or one of its subsidiaries) for any reason (except as explicitly set forth below) or experiences a Termination of Employment For Cause (as defined below), he or she shall forfeit, for no consideration, any portion of the Award that has not vested as of the date of such termination of employment.
The brief summary of the actions taken against the defaulting insurance companies during the year 2009 and 2010 is submitted below:— Accounts Examined = 96Show Cause Notices Issued = 62 Warning Letters Issued = 16 Orders Passed = 49Orders Condoned = 21Trading Suspension Orders = 05 License Cancellation = 01 Winding Up Sanctioned = 02 Matters Drop = 15Penalty Imposed = Rs. 19,726,000/ Penalty Recovered = Rs. 4,400,000/- ISLAMABAD: KARAMAT HUSSAIN NIAZI,The 28th December, 2011.