Examples of Considered eligible in a sentence
The Pact essentially envisages an agreement between the prospective bidders and the Bank, committing the persons/officials of both sides, not to resort to any corrupt practices in any aspect/stage of the contract.2. Only those bidders, who commit themselves to the above pact with the Bank, shall be Considered eligible for participate in the bidding process.3. The Bidders shall submit signed integrity pact as per Annexure-O along with Conformity to Eligibility Criteria.
Considered eligible, are costs for necessary accessories and replacement parts, labor costs and any shipping costs pertaining to above equipment.To carry out costs in this paragraph, HIs are obligated implement the provisions of Law 4412/2016 on “Public Contracts for Projects, Procurement and Services (adaptation to Directives 2014/24/EU and 2014/25/EU)” (147/A), as in force, when considered contracting authorities in principle under said law.
The Pact essentially envisages an agreement between the prospective bidders and the1 Bank, committing the persons/officials of both sides, not to resort to any corrupt practices in any aspect/stage of the contract.2 Only those bidders, who commit themselves to the above pact with the Bank, shall be Considered eligible for participate in the bidding process.3 The Bidders shall submit signed integrity pact as per Annexure-J along with Conformity to Eligibility Criteria.
Considered eligible as significant intact examples, the only ones remaining, of the frame residences which formed the 19th century neighborhood along Short Street, Pilgrim Road, and Brookline Avenue northeast of Short Street.
Considered eligible as an architecturally significant Georgian Revival theatre located in the immediate vicinity of several of Boston's cultural landmarks (Symphony Hall, New England Conservatory, Horticultural Hall) and originally built as the permanent home for the Jewett Repertory Theatre.
The Pact essentially envisages an agreement between the prospective bidders and the Bank, committing the persons/officials of both sides, not to resort to any corrupt practices in any aspect/stage of the contract.Only those bidders, who commit themselves to the above pact with the Bank, shall be Considered eligible for participate in the bidding process.The Bidders shall submit signed integrity pact along with Conformity to Eligibility Criteria.
Considered eligible as a rare surviving example of a Back Bay Fens riding school, built for well-to-do Boston real estate speculator Eban Jordan, in 1900.
Considered eligible as an architecturally significant and stylistically distictive Jacobethan building designed by a notable Boston architect.
Considered eligible for its concentration along Massachusetts and Huntington Avenues of prominently sited architecturally distinguished buildings which serve as the homes of cultural, educational, and religious institutions of major importance to the city of Boston and the nation and remain as an intact grouping of important works by architects of local, regional, and national influence.
Considered eligible as an architecturally notable Georgian Revival building and one of the last designs of the designer and architect Guy Lowell.