Examples of Construction oversight services in a sentence
Construction oversight services provided to a long8 term recovery group by a qualified person within a particular9 geographic area that is described in a proclamation of a state of 10 emergency or declaration of disaster by the State or Federal 11 Government, including, without limitation, pursuant to NRS12 414.070.
Construction oversight services include coordinating volunteer labor during construction, obtain final inspection in the form of a built bridge certification by the engineer, adheres to project budget, manages work site safety, and obtains/keeps onsite permitting documents.
Construction oversight services to be provided by the Clerk will be for Phase 2 only.
Construction oversight services provided to a long-term19 recovery group by a qualified person within a particular geographic20 area that is described in a proclamation of a state of emergency or21 declaration of disaster by the State or Federal Government,22 including, without limitation, pursuant to NRS 414.070.
Construction oversight services are those required to support Metra in coordinating and expediting the execution of projects.
Construction oversight services generally include: facilitation of construction meetings, review and management of contractor billing and change orders, assistance with material/vendor coordination, and logistics review.
Construction oversight services [in the form of project management or construction management] provided to a long-term recovery group by a qualified person within a particular geographic area that is described in a proclamation of a state of emergency or declaration of disaster by the State or Federal Government, including, without limitation, pursuant to NRS 414.070.