Examples of Consumed Energy in a sentence
These options are described as following: Energy Consumed Energy Consumed indicates how much electricity was consumed in a past period.
Given the energy yields for the different resources consumption through all the various economic sectors and the conversion factor ϕ defined in Eq.(1), the overall B Consumed Energy Resources Energy Sectors:– Residential– Industrial– Commercial– TransportColombian Energy Mix– Construction and Farming Products and ServicesBDestroyed B Useful Figure 2: Control volume used for the calculation of the exergy efficiency of the energy consumption in the Colombian energy mix.
Battery Consumed (Energy) GraphInternational Journal on Advances in Networks and Services, vol 10 no 1 & 2, year 2017, http://www.iariajournals.org/networks_and_services/ The energy consumption graph in Figure 31 reveals highenergy consumption at the start of the simulation; however, this balances out as the simulation proceeds.
The resulting Tier-2 cost is this number, in units of KWH, times 3.26¢/KWH.- Third Tier = Total Consumed Energy (in KWH) - the previously comp uted Tier-2 Energy (in KWH) - 30,000 KWH.
In the event of the Customer not being able to receive Electrical Energy for whatsoever reason, Wheeled Energy which is not balanced with Total Consumed Energy will be considered to be Surplus Wheeled Energy.
Some overall findings based on responses to the survey are: These local juvenile justice data systems have been independently developed by local agencies and vary greatly with regard to design, capacity and age.
The Municipality shall allocate Wheeled Energy to a specified Off-taker until the Wheeled Energy equals either the Total Consumed Energy or, if a percentage allocation of the Wheeled Energy has been nominated for allocation to that Off-taker as specified in Schedule 6, until the percentage allocation of Wheeled Energy equals the Total Consumed Energy.
The Actual Time and Consumed Energy for the entire chapter were sourced from the real truck charging data, with no fabrication.
The Total Consumed Energy shall be measured monthly by the Municipality at the Customer’s POS for each Billing Period on a [monthly / half hour] reconciliation basis.
The parties agree that they shall use all reasonable efforts to resolve any dispute which may arise in an amicable manner.