Consumed Energy definition
Examples of Consumed Energy in a sentence
These options are described as following: Energy Consumed Energy Consumed indicates how much electricity was consumed in a past period.
In the event of a Third Party Supplier(s) not being able to inject Electrical Energy into the Electrical Grid for whatsoever reason, Consumed Energy which is not balanced with Wheeled Energy will be accounted for as Deficit Wheeled Energy.
There exist Fuel Adjustment Costs = Total Consumed Energy (in KWH) times a$0.02238/KWH, a Formula Rate Plan Reduction credit = Total Consumed En- ergy (in KWH) times 0.399¢/KWH, and a credit for primary voltage discount.
Again, staff, parents and peers should bear this in mind in cases of possible orsuspected bullying.
The resulting Tier-2 cost is this number, in units of KWH, times 3.26¢/KWH.- Third Tier = Total Consumed Energy (in KWH) - the previously comp uted Tier-2 Energy (in KWH) - 30,000 KWH.
The resulting Tier-2 cost is this number, in units of KWH, times $0.028/KWH.• Fuel Adjustment Costs: Total Consumed Energy (in KWH) times an adjust-able fuel factor, typically of the order: ($0.01850 to $0.0310)/KWH for all To- tal Consumed Power.
A work group of multiple work items only needs to load a large input ModelFP-32(mJ)FP-16(mJ) permanently convert l into floating point 16 bitendif endwhileVgg-FVgg-M113525846651487 Vgg-16144918767Table 6: Consumed Energy on Galaxy Note 4data once and share between each other.
The Municipality shall allocate Wheeled Energy to a specified Off-taker until the Wheeled Energy equals either the Total Consumed Energy or, if a percentage allocation of the Wheeled Energy has been nominated for allocation to that Off-taker as specified in Schedule 6, until the percentage allocation of Wheeled Energy equals the Total Consumed Energy.
Although there exits a free-rider problem in the baseline model with no sabotage, our model with directionally restricted sabotage has a unique interior equilibrium for which none of the groups free-rides.
In the second quarter of 2017, the Company announced that it had filed a notice to renew, for a 12-month period, its normal course issuer bid, which expired on June 5, 2017.