Examples of Consumer cooperative in a sentence
Consumer cooperative: See section 202 of the Housing Act of 1959 (12 U.S.C. 1701q).
A pl an developed b y a co mm un i t y o r s t a t e a dd r essi n g co mm un i t y pl ann i n g an d develop m e n tt ha t is u sed t o s u ppo r t r eq u es t s fo r a s- sis t an ce f r o m t h e Dep ar tm e n t of Ho u s- i n g an d U r b an Develop m e n t .Consumer cooperative.
GTN Consumer co-operative stores Limited (2100 shares of Rs. 10 each)GTN Textiles Employees credit Co-op Society Limited (200 shares of Rs.100 each) Total (I) + (II)Aggregate amount of quoted investments market valueIn view of accumilated losses in Patspin India Limited, there However, the investment is strategic long term and the considered necessary.
Consumer cooperative store is a retail unit owned and controlled by consumers.
Consumer co-operative members have the same rights against the co-operative from which they buy goods as any consumer would have against a retail business with which they made a contract.
To see briefly the profile of Woreda 5 Consumer cooperative, it is important to start with Addis Ababa consumer cooperatives certain aspects.
Consumer cooperative society is defined by International Cooperative Alliance as “a co-operative is an autonomous association of persons united voluntarily to meet their common economic, social, and cultural needs and aspirations through a jointly- owned and democratically-controlled enterprise” (ICA, 2013).
A retailer-owned cooperative sells to final consumers.− Consumer co-operative.
GTN Consumer co-operative stores Limited (2100 shares of Rs. 10 each)GTN Textiles Employees credit Co-op Society Limited (200 shares of Rs.100 each) Total (I) + (II)Aggregate amount of quoted investments market valueIn view of accumulated losses in Patspin India Limited, there is diminution in the value of Company’s investment.
Conditional Use Permit – Process 3 for a Medical Marijuana Consumer cooperative (MMCC) to operate in a 6,800 sf suite within an existing 70,400 sf building located at 650-654 East San Ysidro Blvd., (west side, between Camino de la Plaza and Border Village Road).