Consumer loan means a loan to one or more individuals for household, family, or other personal expenditures. A consumer loan does not include a home mortgage, small business, or small farm loan. Consumer loans include the following categories of loans:
Home Loan A Mortgage Loan categorized as Home Loan pursuant to Appendix E of Standard & Poor's Glossary.
Federal home loan bank means a federal home loan bank established under the federal Home Loan Bank Act, 12 U.S.C. §1421 et seq.
High-Cost Home Loan as defined in the New Jersey Home Ownership Act effective November 27, 2003; (ii) “High-Cost Home Loan” as defined in the New Mexico Home Loan Protection Act effective January 1, 2004; (iii) “High-Cost Home Mortgage Loans” as defined in the Massachusetts Predatory Home Loan Practices Act effective November 7, 2004 and (iv) “High Cost Home Loans” as defined in the Indiana Home Loan Practices Act effective January 1, 2005.
Consumer Loans means Loans to individuals for household, family and other personal expenditures (including United States and/or State-guaranteed student loans and extensions of credit pursuant to a credit card plan or debit card plan).
Consumer Protection Act means the Consumer Protection Act, No. 68 of 2008 (as amended from time to time).
Consumer fireworks means fireworks devices that are designed to produce visible effects by combustion, that are required to comply with the construction, chemical composition, and labeling regulations promulgated by the United States consumer product safety commission under 16 CFR parts 1500 and 1507, and that are listed in APA standard 87-1, 3.1.2, 3.1.3, or 3.5. Consumer fireworks does not include low-impact fireworks.
Post-Consumer Waste means any product generated by a business or consumer which has served its intended end use, and which has been separated or diverted from solid waste for the purpose of recycling into a usable commodity or product, and which does not include post-industrial waste.
Postconsumer waste means a finished material that would normally be
Consumer transaction means a transaction in which (i) an individual incurs an obligation primarily for personal, family, or household purposes, (ii) a security interest secures the obligation, and (iii) the collateral is held or acquired primarily for personal, family, or household purposes. The term includes consumer-goods transactions.
Consumer Contract means an agreement between the Retailer and the Consumer that includes the supply of electricity and distribution services;
Consumer lease means a lease that a lessor regularly engaged in the business of leasing or selling makes to a lessee who is an individual and who takes under the lease primarily for a personal, family, or household purpose, if the total payments to be made under the lease contract, excluding payments for options to renew or buy, do not exceed $25,000.00.
Consumer debtor means a debtor in a consumer transaction.
Consumer account means an account established primarily for personal, family, or household use.
Consumer-goods transaction means a consumer transaction in which:
Consumer advocate means the consumer advocate referred to in Iowa Code chapter 475A.
Consumer credit means credit offered or extended to a consumer primarily for personal, family, or household purposes.
Consumer means any person who is supplied with electricity for his own use by a licensee or the Government or by any other person engaged in the business of supplying electricity to the public under this Act or any other law for the time being in force and includes any person whose premises are for the time being connected for the purpose of receiving electricity with the works of a licensee, the Government or such other person, as the case may be;
Consumer product means a chemically formulated product used by household and institutional consumers including, but not limited to, detergents; cleaning compounds; polishes; floor finishes; cosmetics; personal care products; home, lawn, and garden products; disinfectants; sanitizers; aerosol paints; and automotive specialty products; but does not include other paint products, furniture coatings, or architectural coatings. As used in this article, the term “consumer product” shall also refer to aerosol adhesives, including aerosol adhesives used for consumer, industrial, and commercial uses.
Abbeyfield Home means an establishment run by the Abbeyfield Society including all bodies corporate or unincorporated which are affiliated to that society;
National Housing Act means the National Housing Act (Canada), a federal law that promotes the construction of new houses and the repair and modernization of existing houses. CMHC provides mortgage default insurance under this law.
Consumer goods means goods that are used or bought for use primarily for personal, family, or household purposes.
Mobile home lot means a portion of a mobile home park or manufactured housing community designated as the location of one mobile home, manufactured home, or park model and its accessory buildings, and intended for the exclusive use as a primary residence by the occupants of that mobile home, manufactured home, or park model;
Home Health Care means the continual care and treatment of an individual if:
Health Home means an individual provider, team of health care professionals or health team that meets all federal requirements and provides the following six services to persons with one or more specified chronic conditions: (i) comprehensive care management; (ii) Care Coordination and health promotion; (iii) comprehensive transitional care/follow-up; (iv) patient and family support; (v) referral to community and social support services; and (vi) use of Health Information Technology (HIT) to link services, if applicable. Health Information Exchange (HIE) means the transmission of health-care-related data among facilities, health information organizations and government agencies according to national standards. HIE is also an entity that provides services to enable the electronic sharing of health information. Health Information Technology (HIT) means the area of information technology involving the design, development, creation, use and maintenance of information systems for the health care industry.
Detroit consumer price index means the most comprehensive index of consumer prices available for the Detroit area from the United States department of labor, bureau of labor statistics.