Examples of Container glass in a sentence
Recycling & Garbage Disposal The recycling and waste removal option provided at 777 Hornby include:• Mixed Paper• Soft Plastic• Cardboard• Mixed Container: glass, metal, plastic• Styrofoam• Compost and Organics• E-waste• Batteries The janitorial staff will remove recycling left in the appropriate office containers supplied by the building.
Container glass means glass made of soda-lime recipe, clear or colored, which is pressed and/or blown into bottles, jars, ampoules, and other products listed in Standard Industrial Classification 3221 (SIC 3221).
Container glass is made from a basic soda lime formulation and is melted in a fossil fuel fired or, an electrically heated furnace.
Container glass inevitably breaks during the collection/trucking process and consequently the glass shards damage the single stream recycling system components (such as bearings) through abrasive wear.
Treatment of the glass sector in external jurisdictions Note: Container glass in the EU is identified by NACE 23.13, manufacture of hollow glass.
Container glass is the largest segment in the glass sector, catering to glass packaging for consumer goods and pharmaceutical industry.
Glass bottles and jars: Container glass (all colors) including beverage and food containers.
Container glass accounted for almost half of the total U.S. glass production, and flat glass represented about another quarter of the total production.
Table 10 Container glass ARDL regression results monthly data (1 lag) Dep.
Figure 3: Container glass manufacturing process taken from British Glass (2014) Glass bottles are 100% recyclable and can be endlessly recycled with no loss of quality or value, making it an ideal example of a closed-loop system (Modak, 2018).