SAFETY AND Sample Clauses
SAFETY AND. The Company furnish and maintain safe working gear and equipment for the protection of its employees and continue to make provision and rules for their safety in accordance with all safety regulations.. Life jackets, hard hats, head lamps, ear protectors and dust protectors shall be provided by the company for who are required to work aboard vessels, scows, barges, or log tows. One pair of shall be carried on each vessel. Crew members be required to sign for the above safety equipment. The above safety equipment shall be replaced when necessary on an exchange basis at no cost to the employee. When a crew member sick, or is injured, it will be the duty of the Master to sec that tie gets first aid or medical treatment as quickly as possible. The Company will provide for the employee's return to home port. All accidents and injuries shall be medically at the time they occur A tug shall be supplied with life jackets sufficient for all crew members. A medical kit maintained shall be aboard. A stretcher shall also be aboard where space is available. An employee shall be entitled of charge to a approved floater coat including the style upon completion of one year's service with the Company. The Company shall issue the coats and will replace them when necessary. The Company will make the coats available at its An employee who requests in lieu anti-exposure coveralls, shall have the first l paid by Company and shall reimburse the Company the difference. the employee leaves the employ of the Company before acquiring six (6) months service the cost of the floater coat or the monies will be deducted from his final pay. New are not covered on their first tour of duty. During the hours of darkness, outside painting not be performed. Where existing space allows, seating be for the helmsman. The Company agrees that crew members shall not be required to perform any work on staging, or Xxxxx's chair while the vessel is Individual companies undertake to examine the possibility of making anchor chains vessels self-stowing. New continuous operating vessels will be provided with self-stowing anchor chains. Survival Suits The Company to provide survival suits in accordance with Whenever a crew member is required to work aboard a tow out of verbal communication range or sight the tug control station, he be supplied with a suitable radio which not restrict his movement and at the same time allow for immediate communication at
SAFETY AND. The Employer shall make reasonable provisions for the safety and health of its employees during the hours of their employment and proper kits, including a proper kit in each service vehicle. The Employer agrees to provide space that is readily accessible for the official Association notices of direct interest to the employees. The following items must be posted on said Notice Board:
SAFETY AND. The company shall arrangements throughout the plant, provide proper give proper attention to the eliminationof any employment which is a hazard to the safety or health of the Where the nature of the task to an employee requires the use of special equipment or clothing, such equipment or clothing shall be provided by the The company reserves the right to and publish from time to time, rules and regulations the use and operation of machine equipment, special or clothing, and plant the terms and upon which special equipment or clothing is to The Company shall grant leave of absence to retroactively when necessary for legitimate reasons, including illness and injury. The Company shall grant leave of absence without pay for reasonable periods to not more than three (3) employees to serve as representatives of the Local Union for the transaction of Union business. The Company shall grant leave of absence without pay for one I employee to work in an official for the Local or the Internationalunion subject to the following conditions: the employee requests such leave of absence in writing, approved the union, and such leave of absence shall not exceed a of twelve consecutive months, and the employee's seniority and continuous service with the Company shall not affectedby such leave of absence.
SAFETY AND. The Company shall make reasonable provisions for the safety and health of their employees during working hours. The Company shall conduct a drill for all employees at least once in every twelve (12) month period. The Union agrees that it will in the enforcement of safety rules and regulations. The Company will make available to all full-time employees, while they are in the active employ of the Company, Group Life, X. Xxxxxxxx and Accident ExtendedMedical Coverage Insurance and Dental plans as follows: The application and administration of all and all matters with to the Insurance program provided for herein shall be governed by the terms the plan or policy with the applicable insurance carrier. Any dispute over payment of benefits under any such plan or policy shall be adjusted between the employee and the insurer and not to be dealt with through grievance and arbitration process. Applicable Federal and/or Provincial legislation will be followed when defining the term spouse common-law partnership. Life Insurance Ten Thousand Dollars ($10,000) for all bargaining unit employees.
SAFETY AND. The Employer shall make reasonable provisions for the safety and health of its employees during the of their employment including a first-aid kit in each service ehi c e.
SAFETY AND. The employer and the union agree to the appointment of a and safety representative in compliance with the Occupational Health and Safety The health and safety representative has the authority to:
SAFETY AND. It is understood and agreed that dependent contractor safety is of importance to the dependent contractor, the Broker, the Associates and the industry as a whole. The Broker, the Associates, the Union and dependent contractors, in conjunction with the Metro Toronto Licensing Commission's Safety Committee. will work towards achieving the goal of dependent Contractor safety. A Safety Committee consisting of at least two (2) representatives of the Union and two (2) represen- tatives of the Broker shall meet at a mutually agree- able time frame upon the request of either party, within thirty (30) days for the purpose of discussing matters of mutual concern. Minutes will be kept of each meeting by the Broker and distributed to the Committee. The dependent contractor must notify immediately the Associate from whom he rents a taxicab if the dependent contractor has reason to suspect that the vehicle has a mechanical defect. The depen- dent contractor must return the vehicle if safe to do so. as quickly and as practically as possible to the Associate at first indication such defect Upon return of the vehicle, in compliance with the above, the dependent contractor shall receive a replacement taxicab. if available, for the remainder of his shift or a pro-rated shift fee reduction for remainder of his shift. Failure to return the vehicle at the first indication of such defect may be consid- ered lust cause for discipline up to and including dismissal of the The Broker and the Union agree to conduct a joint study in their Safety and Health Program and to make recommendations on the feasibility of safety xxxxxxx being provided and installed in the taxicabs. ARTICLE WORK WEEK The Associates agree that dependent contractors shall determine their work week subject to the provisions of this Agreement. However, a depen- dent contractor failing to work without first providing the Associate reasonable notice, shall be required to pay the Associate the daily shift rental costs. It is further agreed that where the Associate is unable to provide a dependent contractor scheduled for work a taxicab, the dependent contractor shall receive his next shift without fees. It understood and agreed that although depen- dent contractors rent vehicles for a specific period of time, the number of hours worked during the rental period IS at the discretion of the dependent contractor.
SAFETY AND. The Company shall make every effort to furnish and maintain safe working gear and equipment for the protection of employees and shall continue to make reasonable provisions and rules for their safety. When a vessel is canalling, berthing or letting go, the Company agrees to use a Signalman in addition to the Winchman. The only exception to this is when mooring winches are side controlled.
SAFETY AND. The Company agrees to continue to’ furnish healthful working conditions at all times, and to provide adequate and modern devices with regard to safety and sanitation. Whatever machinery and equipment the furnishes shall meet with all the required legal standards of safety and sanitation. Any recommendations or complaints under this Article will be the subject of under the procedure provided for in this Agreement. The Union agrees that it will to have its members observe all safety rules. The Office Joint Health and Safety will be composed of two Union Representatives and two Management Representatives and will meet every month. This joint committee will review all! ongoing business pertaining to the S H activities in the Office of The Office Joint Health and Safety Committee will conduct its monthly inspections accompanied by the Head of the Department being inspected (or his/her representative), and the Chairman of the Office Safety Committee (or his/her replacement). The in order to resolve technical questions, may an appropriate technical person upon reaching mutual agreement that such technical advice is required. Recommendations agreed to and documented by the Committee will normally be acted upon within thirty days of the being made. However, it is by both parties that, on occasion, action may be delayed for an additional thirty day period due to unusual circumstances. In the event an employee believes that a condition exists in his/her work area, the employee will contact his/her Supervisor. If the Supervisor fails to satisfactorily resolve the problem within a reasonable period of time, the employee will ask his/her supervisor to call the employee’s Committee to discuss the problem further. If the problem is still unresolved, the Department Head will call the Plant Safety Coordinator, who, in company with the (or designee) of the will make a decision on the problem. The Company will the of all accidents which require the filing of a Form and will supply copies of the Form the Supervisor’s Accident Investigation Report and any other correspondence with the The Company will supply, without cost to the employee, safety glasses and hearing protection or plugs) as required. The safety glass program will be the same as that provided in the plant. Smocks will be provided at no cost to employees. If a dispute arises as to whether or not a need for smocks exists and the Union can justify such need to the satisfaction of the Labour Manager, the smocks in dis...
SAFETY AND. The Company will make reasonable provisions for health and safety of its employees during the hours of employment. The Union agrees to assist the Company in maintaining the proper observation of all safety and health rules. Referring to the Occupational Health and Safety Act, a worker refuse to work or do particular work. Upon refusing to work or do particular work, the worker shall promptly report the circumstances of the refusal to the worker’s who shall forthwith investigate the report in the presence of the worker and in the presence of a Joint Health and Safety Committee member who represents workers and, who may be a Certified Member and, who shall be made available and attend without delay. Referring to the (a), a worker may continue to refuse work or do the particular work and the employer or worker or a person on behalf of the Employer or worker shall cause an inspector to be notified thereof. Referring the (I pending the investigation and decision of the inspector the may be assigned reasonable alternative work and another worker be assigned to do the work.” An employee for whom a claim is being processed for time loss compensation with the Worker’s Compensation Board may apply to the Company for an advance not to exceed One hundred per week for three (3) weeks until compensation payments start, whichever occurs first. The full amount paid to the employee as an advance will be repaid by the employee when his compensationpayments begin. advanced to the employee and not recovered through compensationpayments regardless of the reason, will become a against any wages or monies due to him, becoming due to him, from the Company.