Examples of Contiguous land area in a sentence
Contiguous land area shall be defined as a parcel of land that is owned under a single deed or parcels of land that are owned under multiple deeds, provided that the parcels of land are contiguous to each other having common deed boundaries and are not physically separated by parcels of land owned by other individuals or parties.
Contiguous land area occurring within the property lines of a parcel or lot excluding wetlands, water courses, ponds, public waters below the ordinary high water mark, and easements for pipelines and utility transmission lines.
Buildable Land – Contiguous land area occurring within the property lines of a parcel of lot excluding drainageways, wetlands, water courses, park land, road rights-of-way, and slopes in excess of eighteen (18) percent.
Contiguous land area occurring within the property lines of a parcel or lot excluding wetlands and/or water courses.
Contiguous land area occurring within the property lines of a parcel of lot excluding wetlands, water courses, ponds, public waters below the ordinary high water mark and easements for pipelines and utility transmission lines.
Build Out Plan (Ghost Plat) – A subdivision or resubdivision concept plan illustrating possible future lot layout, street networks, and utility systems for oversized lots, outlots, or undeveloped land within or adjoining a preliminary plat.Buildable Land – Contiguous land area occurring within the property lines of a parcel of lot excluding drainageways, wetlands, water courses, park land, road rights-of-way, land below the Ordinary High Water Level (OHWL) and slopes in excess of fifteen (15) percent.
DEVELOPABLE PARCEL - Contiguous land area that can be developed to the minimum zoning classification densities identified in the current City of Olympia Municipal Code.
Permanent suspension is reserved for extraordinary circumstances such as where a student’s conduct poses a life threatening danger to the safety and well-being of other students, school personnel or any other person lawfully on school property or attending a school function.
Contiguous land area shall not be broken by division of ownership, roads, highway, railroads, streams, etc.
Incentives are not currently adequate to consider self-regulation.