Contract Requirements HSEA Conditions definition

Contract Requirements HSEA Conditions means the document described as such and referred to in the Agreement;
Contract Requirements HSEA Conditions means the document described as such and referred to in this Agreement; 1.1.11 “Contracting Authority” means any contracting authority as defined in Regulation 4 of the Concession Contracts Regulations 2016; 1.1.12 “Crown” means the government of the United Kingdom (including the Northern Ireland Executive Committee and Northern Ireland Departments, the Scottish Government and the National Assembly for Wales), including government ministers, government departments, government and particular bodies and government agencies;

Related to Contract Requirements HSEA Conditions

  • Project Requirements means the statement included in the Request for Proposal detailing the technical and other requirements of Canada which are to be met by the successful Bidder, and which are to be addressed in the Bid;

  • Default Requirement means the amount specified as being applicable to the Reference Entity in the Standard, or its equivalent in the relevant Obligation Currency (or, if no such amount is specified, U.S.$ 10,000,000 or its equivalent in the relevant Obligation Currency) in either case, as of the occurrence of the relevant Credit Event.

  • Minimum Requirements means the minimum requirements for available commercial structures. The minimum requirements may be found at this link: choices/renewable-power/green-future-impact The minimum requirements may be updated from time to time to reflect PGE’s criteria from its latest Commission accepted renewable request for proposals.

  • Design requirements means the written description of the infrastructure facility to be procured pursuant to this article, including:

  • Performance Requirements The ordering entity reserves the right to inspect and verify that all deliveries are in accordance with specifications, both at the point of delivery and at the point of use. For orders that specify an “authorized party” to receive and inspect deliveries and/or installations, acceptance and inspection procedures must be performed by the” authorized party” to be considered and accepted by the ordering entity. Products inspected at the time of use are subject to refusal and return requirements for issues of quality such as defects in manufacturing and/or workmanship. Products will not be considered accepted by the ordering entity until the installation is complete for the applicable products.

  • Payment Requirement means the amount specified as being applicable to the Reference Entity in the Standard or its equivalent in the relevant Obligation Currency (or, if no such amount is specified, USD 1,000,000 or its equivalent in the relevant Obligation Currency) in either case as of the occurrence of the relevant Failure to Pay or Potential Failure to Pay, as applicable.

  • Minimum Balance Requirements You must maintain a minimum daily balance of $2,000.00 in your Money Market Savings account to obtain the disclosed annual percentage yield. We impose a monthly maintenance fee if the balance falls below $500 any day of the month. Basic Checking Account Rate Information: This account does not pay interest.

  • Pretreatment requirements means any substantive or procedural requirement related to pretreatment, other than a pretreatment standard, imposed on an industrial user.

  • Relevant Requirements means all applicable Law relating to bribery, corruption and fraud, including the Bribery Act 2010 and any guidance issued by the Secretary of State for Justice pursuant to section 9 of the Bribery Act 2010;

  • End Client Requirements means the specific requirements of the End Client, as notified to the Supplier in writing;

  • Mortgage Conditions means the mortgage conditions booklet reference MORT 0154 MAY 13 HF;

  • performance requirement means a requirement that:

  • Maintenance Requirements shall have the meaning set forth in Clause 14.2;

  • Step Down Conditions As of any Distribution Date on which any decrease in any Senior Prepayment Percentage may apply, (i) the outstanding Principal Balance of all Mortgage Loans 60 days or more Delinquent (including Mortgage Loans in REO and foreclosure), averaged over the preceding six month period, as a percentage of the aggregate of the Class Certificate Principal Balances of the Classes of Subordinate Certificates on such Distribution Date, does not equal or exceed 50% and (ii) cumulative Realized Losses with respect to all of the Mortgage Loans do not exceed: · for any Distribution Date on or after the seventh anniversary until the eighth anniversary of the first Distribution Date, 30% of the aggregate Certificate Principal Balance of the Subordinate Certificates as of the Closing Date, · for any Distribution Date on or after the eighth anniversary until the ninth anniversary of the first Distribution Date, 35% of the aggregate Certificate Principal Balance of the Subordinate Certificates as of the Closing Date, · for any Distribution Date on or after the ninth anniversary until the tenth anniversary of the first Distribution Date, 40% of the aggregate Certificate Principal Balance of the Subordinate Certificates as of the Closing Date, · for any Distribution Date on or after the tenth anniversary until the eleventh anniversary of the first Distribution Date, 45% of the aggregate Certificate Principal Balance of the Subordinate Certificates as of the Closing Date, and · for any Distribution Date on or after the eleventh anniversary of the first Distribution Date, 50% of the aggregate Certificate Principal Balance of the Subordinate Certificates as of the Closing Date.

  • Specific Conditions means the conditions in addition or in variation to the general conditions which the Commission may lay down specifically for a distribution licensee;

  • Risk Retention Requirements means the credit risk retention requirements of Section 15G of the Exchange Act (15 U.S.C. §78o-11), as added by Section 941 of the Xxxx-Xxxxx Xxxx Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act.

  • Contract Minimum Investment Requirement means, with respect to the Project, investment by the Company and any Sponsor Affiliates of at least $4,000,000 in Economic Development Property subject (non-exempt) to ad valorem taxation (in the absence of this Fee Agreement).

  • Storage Injection Requirements means all volumes required by the Seller for injection into underground storage, including cushion gas, and for liquification, including fuel used for injection and in liquification plants, or for such other storage projects that may be developed expressly for the protection of supply to high priority users.

  • Program Requirements means that Partner has to fulfill certain program requirements as described in detail in the applicable SAP PartnerEdge Model and the PartnerEdge Program Guide.

  • OHS Requirements means all Laws applicable to the Supply and related to occupational health or safety, and all of the City Policies that relate to occupational health or safety, and includes without limitation the WCA;

  • Applicable Technical Requirements and Standards means those certain technical requirements and standards applicable to interconnections of generation and/or transmission facilities with the facilities of an Interconnected Transmission Owner or, as the case may be and to the extent applicable, of an Electric Distributor, as published by Transmission Provider in a PJM Manual provided, however, that, with respect to any generation facilities with maximum generating capacity of 2 MW or less (synchronous) or 5 MW or less (inverter-based) for which the Interconnection Customer executes a Construction Service Agreement or Interconnection Service Agreement on or after March 19, 2005, “Applicable Technical Requirements and Standards” shall refer to the “PJM Small Generator Interconnection Applicable Technical Requirements and Standards.” All Applicable Technical Requirements and Standards shall be publicly available through postings on Transmission Provider’s internet website.

  • Minimum Extended Summer Resource Requirement means, for Delivery Years through May 31, 2017, the minimum amount of capacity that PJM will seek to procure from Extended Summer Demand Resources and Annual Resources for the PJM Region and for each Locational Deliverability Area for which the Office of the Interconnection is required under Tariff, Attachment DD, section 5.10(a) to establish a separate VRR Curve for such Delivery Year. For the PJM Region, the Minimum Extended Summer Resource Requirement shall be equal to the RTO Reliability Requirement minus [the Limited Demand Resource Reliability Target for the PJM Region in Unforced Capacity]. For an LDA, the Minimum Extended Summer Resource Requirement shall be equal to the LDA Reliability Requirement minus [the LDA CETL] minus [the Limited Demand Resource Reliability Target for such LDA in Unforced Capacity]. The LDA CETL may be adjusted pro rata for the amount of load served under the FRR Alternative. Minimum Generation Emergency:

  • Day-ahead Scheduling Reserves Requirement means the sum of Base Day-ahead Scheduling Reserves Requirement and Additional Day-ahead Scheduling Reserves Requirement.

  • Commissioning test means tests applied to the Generating Facility, after completion of the construction of the Generating Facility, in order to verify that the Generating Facility may be released for Operation.

  • Commissioning Tests means all of the procedures and tests which, in accordance with the Reasonable and Prudent Standard, and in compliance with industry guidelines, practices and standards, are:

  • Operational requirements means the need to ensure that the Agency is to be operated as effectively, efficiently and economically as possible.