Contract Service Area definition
Examples of Contract Service Area in a sentence
Contract Service Area 13 ARTICLE III 14 General Sewage System Provisions 14 Section 301.
Each party through whose Contract Service Area the District’s Interceptor must pass shall furnish the District a perpetual easement a minimum of 50 feet in width for Interceptor right-of-way, construction and maintenance without charge to the District.
Any other party or property located outside the Contract Service Area desiring to receive service through or independent of a Connecting Entity must execute and agree to be bound by the terms of this Agreement and pay any fees then in effect.
In the event a Connecting Entity desires to extend sewer service to areas not currently within the Contract Service Area as set forth in Exhibit A, the Connecting Entity will obtain approval of the District Board in advance of such extension.
This section shall not affect facilities of the Member Municipalities and Connecting Corporations which do not serve lands within the District’s Contract Service Area.
Within forty-five (45) calendar days of the District’s request, each party to this Agreement shall file with the District a map or legal description depicting the boundaries of and land included within its Contract Service Area.
Notwithstanding the above, in the event that a Connecting Entity agrees to serve parties or property outside the Contract Service Area, the Interceptor and Treatment Plant allocations of said Connecting Entity will not be altered without the approval of the District and said Connecting Entity shall remain responsible for compliance with this Agreement and the District’s rules and regulations in the provision of service to said parties or property.