Contracting Authority Change definition
Examples of Contracting Authority Change in a sentence
The Company shall make its own arrangements for access to the Accommodation Works Sites with the owners of such sites for carrying out of the Accommodation Works, provided that if the Company having used reasonable endeavours cannot get access to an Accommodation Works Site, then the Accommodation Works to be carried out on that Accommodation Works Site will be removed from the Operations by way of a Contracting Authority Change.
In the case of a Compensation Event, the Contracting Authority must pay the Contractor (or where a Contracting Authority Change is concerned, the Contractor may have to pay the Contracting Authority) compensation in accordance with Schedule 3 (Compensation for Supervening Events), paragraph 2 (Compensation Event).
This does not apply to a Contracting Authority Change that has to be effected pursuant to Article 13.1 (Contracting Authority Change) Paragraph (b) and Article 13.2 (Contractor Change) Paragraph (b).
Critical Delay in Completion A delay in the Work that makes it impossible to avoid the Scheduled Completion Date being exceeded by more than the following number or Calendar Days without incurring a Financial Loss: (a) 7 Calendar Days; or in derogation from (a): (b) when the delay is the consequence of a Contracting Authority Default, a Contracting Authority Change or a Relevant Change in Law: 0 Calendar Days; determined according to the procedure as included in [z] of the Management Specifications.
If a Compensation Event occurs, the Contracting Authority must indemnify the Contractor (or in the event of a Contracting Authority Change, the Contractor may have to pay the Contracting Authority) compensation in accordance with Section 2 (Compensation Event) of Schedule 3 (Compensation for Supervening Events).
Financial Disadvantage An increase in its expenses or a decrease in its income, insofar as in line with market conditions and demonstrable by the Contractor, whereby (a) a Financial Disadvantage shall not include an Availability Deduction or a Performance Deduction; and (b) a negative Financial Disadvantage is set to zero except if a Contracting Authority Change has occurred.
Financial Loss $Q LQFUHDVH LQ WKH &RQWUD decrease in its income, to be demonstrated, insofar as this is market conforming and covered by the arranged insurance, where costs savings, the moment of inception of the increase of the expenses or the decrease of the income, and the manner of payment is taken into account, and where a negative Financial loss is set to zero, unless there is a Contracting Authority Change.
Financial Loss An increase in the Contractor’s expenses or a decrease in its income, to be demonstrated, insofar as this is market conforming and covered by the arranged insurance, where costs savings, the moment of inception of the increase of the expenses or the decrease of the income, and the manner of payment is taken into account, and where a negative Financial loss is set to zero, unless there is a Contracting Authority Change.
Critical Delay in Completion A delay in the Work that makes it impossible to avoid the Scheduled Completion Date being exceeded by more than the following number or Calendar Days without incurring a Financial Loss: (a) 7 Calendar Days; or in derogation from (a): (b) when the delay is the consequence of a Contracting Authority Default, a Contracting Authority Change or a Relevant Change in Law: 0 Calendar Days; determined according to the procedure as included in [⚫] of the Management Specifications.
If a Compensation Event occurs, the Contracting Authority must indemnify the Contractor (or in the event of a Contracting Authority Change, the Contractor must, possibly, indemnify the Contracting Authority) compensation in accordance with Section 2 (Compensation Event) of Schedule 3 (Compensation for Supervening Events).