Examples of Signing Authority in a sentence
For additional information, please refer to 18 AAC 83.385 at the following link: http://dec.alaska.gov/commish/regulations/pdfs/18 AAC 83.pdf Signing Authority: Please identify your authority to sign APDES permit applications and reports.
Written notice shall be deemed to have been duly served if delivered to the individual or to Successful bidder or to the Signing Authority of the GMDC from whom it is intended, or if delivered at or sent by mail or post, to the last business address known to him who gives the notice.
Phone No., Fax No., E-mail Address, of Signing Authority ……………… Date ………………………………….
Ownership: [%] Capital Contributions: [$] Signing Authority: The above-named Partner ☐ CAN ☐ CANNOT sign contracts on behalf of the Partnership.
We may rely on and consider any document received through Electronic Means from you, the Applicant, an Owner or any Signing Authority, as applicable, or which appears to have been received from either one of you as authorized and binding on you, as though it were an original document.