Contracting representative definition
Examples of Contracting representative in a sentence
On the date specified and for thirty (30) minutes prior to the specified time, a Contracting representative will be in the lobby to receive proposals.
Contract Administration: Contractor must notify the Purchasing & Contracting representative for guidance or direction of matters of contract interpretation or problems regarding the terms, conditions or scope of this contract.
Membership of the Group shall be: Public Health Local Authority leads (At least 1 representative from each LA) Public Health Specialist / Intelligence Local Pharmaceutical Committee representative CCG representativeNHS England Pharmacy Contracting representative and managerial representativeCommunications Lead Local Professional Network representative Healthwatch representativeOther representatives as required A Deputy may be used where the named member of the Group is unable to attend.
On the proposal due date, starting thirty (30) minutes prior to the specified time, a Contracting representative will be in the lobby to receive proposals.
All TA Forms valued at $300,000.00 (including HST) or less must be approved and signed by the CFIA Technical Authority and authorized by the CFIA Procurement and Contracting representative who will provide a copy of the signed TA to the PWGSC Contracting Authority.
Seller shall be paid at the end of the Contract unless a schedule of progress payments for work performed is agreed to in writing by a YCCCD Purchasing and Contracting representative.
Any proposed shift in a cost category exceeding 20% of the total contract must be presented to the Town and be approved in writing by the Town Contracting representative.
CONTRACTOR ENVIRONMENTAL DELIVERABLES: The following contract deliverables are due to the LAFB project manager and Contracting representative who will in turn provide them to the Environmental Element (633 CES/CEAN).
No change by Seller shall be recognized without written approval from an authorized YCCCD Purchasing and Contracting representative.
All requests for information shall be submitted via fax number (407) 317-3414 or via email to: Only the interpretation or correction so given by the Purchasing and Contracting representative, in writing, shall be binding and prospective firms are advised that no other source is authorized to give information concerning, or to explain or interpret the RFP and the selection process.