Contractor Consent and Agreement definition

Contractor Consent and Agreement means, collectively, (a) the Contractor’s Agreement and Consent dated the date of this Agreement executed by Contractor and delivered to Bondholder Representative in which the Contractor consents to, among other things, the assignment of the Construction Contract from Borrower to the Issuer, and (b) Subcontractor’s Agreement and Consent dated the date of this Agreement executed by the Primary Sub-Contractor and delivered to Bondholder Representative in which the Primary Sub-Contractor consents to, among other things, the assignment of the primary subcontract by and between the Contractor and Primary Sub-Contractor to the Issuer.
Contractor Consent and Agreement means the Consent and Agreement to be entered into by and between Contractor and Construction Lender.
Contractor Consent and Agreement means the Contractor/Lender Agreement to be executed by Contractor in favor of Lender, in form and substance acceptable to Lender, as amended from time to time.

Examples of Contractor Consent and Agreement in a sentence

  • In addition, If the Project Property is the Mortgaged Property or if GMAC has made other loans that are secured by the applicable Project Property, Borrowers shall (a) execute and deliver to GMAC an Assignment of Borrower’s Interest in Construction Documents, and (b) cause to be executed by each Contractor and delivered to GMAC, a Contractor Consent and Agreement and an Agreement of Subordination of Lien by Contractor.

More Definitions of Contractor Consent and Agreement

Contractor Consent and Agreement is defined in Section 6.01(g).

Related to Contractor Consent and Agreement

  • Consent and Agreement means the Manufacturer Consent and Agreement [ ], dated as of even date with the Participation Agreement, of Airframe Manufacturer.

  • Lien Waiver Agreement means an agreement which is executed in favor of Agent by a Person who owns or occupies premises at which any Collateral may be located from time to time and by which such Person shall waive any Lien that such Person may ever have with respect to any of the Collateral and shall authorize Agent from time to time to enter upon the premises to inspect or remove the Collateral from such premises or to use such premises to store or dispose of such Inventory.

  • Environmental Agreement means the Environmental Indemnification and Release Agreement of even date herewith by and between Borrower and Lender pertaining to the Property, as the same may from time to time be extended, amended, restated or otherwise modified.

  • Consent Agreement shall have the meaning set forth in Section 14.2.

  • Interconnection Construction Service Agreement means the agreement entered into by an Interconnection Customer, Interconnected Transmission Owner and the Transmission Provider pursuant to Tariff, Part VI, Subpart B and in the form set forth in Tariff, Attachment P, relating to construction of Attachment Facilities, Network Upgrades, and/or Local Upgrades and coordination of the construction and interconnection of an associated Customer Facility. A separate Interconnection Construction Service Agreement will be executed with each Transmission Owner that is responsible for construction of any Attachment Facilities, Network Upgrades, or Local Upgrades associated with interconnection of a Customer Facility. Interconnection Customer:

  • Waiver Agreement means an agreement between

  • Construction Agreement as used in this subsection means an agreement between Seller and any contractor or subcontractor to install the System;

  • Foundation Agreement means the agreement dated the 20th February 1985 made between the Trustee, the Manager, Xxxxxxxx, Genting WA and Tileska providing for the subscription of Units and Options;

  • Rental agreement or "lease agreement" means all agreements, written or oral, and valid rules and

  • Contract Amendment means a written document signed by the Procurement Officer that is issued for the purpose of making changes in the Contract.

  • Construction Agreements means agreements to which Tenant is a party for Construction Work, rehabilitation, alteration, repair, replacement or demolition performed pursuant to this Lease.

  • Construction Management Agreement means the Construction Management Agreement, dated as of the date of the Common Agreement, between Construction Manager and the Project Company.

  • SCM Agreement means the Agreement on Subsidies and Countervailing Measures in Annex 1A to the WTO Agreement;

  • Construction Service Agreement means either an Interconnection Construction Service Agreement or an Upgrade Construction Service Agreement.

  • Reaffirmation Agreement means the Reaffirmation Agreement dated as of the Closing Date by the Borrower and the Guarantors to the Administrative Agent for the benefit of the Secured Parties.

  • Environmental Indemnity Agreement means the Environmental Indemnity Agreement dated as of the Closing Date, from Borrower and the Guarantor, collectively, as indemnitor, to Lender, as indemnitee, as the same may be amended, modified or supplemented from time to time.

  • Supplemental Agreement means an agreement supplemental to this Agreement, substantially in the form set out in Schedule 1 to this Agreement to be entered into by the Secretary of State and the Company pursuant to which the Company agrees to establish and maintain, and to carry on or provide for the carrying on, and the Secretary of State agrees to fund, an Academy in accordance with the terms and conditions of that Supplemental Agreement and this Agreement;

  • leasing agreement means an agreement by which one person (the lessor) grants a right to possession or control of an object (with or without an option to purchase) to another person (the lessee) in return for a rental or other payment;

  • Connection Agreement means an agreement entered into between a distributor and a person connected to its distribution system that delineates the conditions of the connection and delivery of electricity to or from that connection;

  • GENERAL AND SPECIAL CONDITIONS OF CONTRACT means the instructions to Tenderer and General and special conditions of contract pertaining to the work for which above tenders have been called for.

  • Generation Interconnection Agreement means the generation interconnection agreement to be entered into separately between Seller and PGE, providing for the construction, operation, and maintenance of interconnection facilities required to accommodate deliveries of Seller's Net Output.

  • Consortium Agreement means this consortium agreement as well as the pre-amble and all annexes hereto;

  • Master Lease Agreement has the meaning set forth in Section 7.2(c)(xiv).

  • Interconnection Agreement means the interconnection agreement entered into by Seller pursuant to which the Facility will be interconnected with the Transmission System, and pursuant to which Seller’s Interconnection Facilities and any other Interconnection Facilities will be constructed, operated and maintained during the Contract Term.

  • Admission Agreement An admission agreement in the form available on the Civil Service Pensions website immediately prior to the Relevant Transfer Date to be entered into by the Supplier where it agrees to participate in the Schemes in respect of the Services;