AGREEMENT AND CONSENT. The amount hereunder will produce a total deferral that does not exceed the applicable limitations of Internal Revenue Code Section 457(b) and Internal Revenue Code Section 414(v). I authorize my Employer to reduce my salary by the above amount, which will be credited to my account under the Plan. I have completed this Agreement with true and correct information and understand and agree to the provisions stated above. I further understand that neither my Employer, PARS, TCG Investment Advisory Services LP, nor Xxxxxxx Xxxxxx are responsible for any losses that arise out of participation in the Plan.
AGREEMENT AND CONSENT. I agree that when IDB Global Federal Credit Union sends an electronic disclosure or communication, it has the same meaning and effect as if IDB Global Federal Credit Union have provided a paper copy, whether or not I choose to view the disclosure, unless I had previously withdrawn my consent to receive disclosures electronically. I also understand that if I decide to enroll to receive eStatements, they will be made available on the first day of each month following my enrollment, that the Home Banking service will make available on-line statements for up to 18 months in its archive, and that I may request a paper copy of your statement at any time; however, I may be charged a fee for any statement beyond that 18-month period. I also understand that if I request to receive my statements on paper, my eStatements service will be cancelled. By selecting the I ACCEPT “Terms and Conditions” box, I agree to these Terms and Conditions as well as their electronic delivery and indicate that I have the hardware and software listed above to be able to receive and retain the described disclosures and documents electronically.
AGREEMENT AND CONSENT. Petro Stopping Centers Holdings, L.P., Petro Stopping Centers, L.P., Petro, Inc., Petro Holdings Financial Corporation, Petro Distributing, Inc., and Petro Financial Corporation, on behalf of themselves and their respective legal representatives, successors, assigns, subsidiaries and past and present officers, directors, partners, agents and employees, as the Indemnified Parties under this Agreement, hereby consent and agree to the terms and provisions of this Agreement. PETRO STOPPING CENTERS HOLDINGS, L.P., a Delaware limited partnership By: Authorized Officer PETRO STOPPING CENTERS, L.P., a Delaware limited partnership By: Authorized Officer PETRO, INC., a Texas corporation By: Authorized Officer PETRO HOLDINGS FINANCIAL CORPORATION, a Delaware corporation By: Authorized Officer PETRO DISTRIBUTING, INC., a Delaware corporation By: Authorized Officer PETRO FINANCIAL CORPORATION, a Delaware corporation By: Authorized Officer The Debt Obligations consist of following various categories of debt:
AGREEMENT AND CONSENT. If you have questions about any of the contents of this Agreement, our procedures, or your role in this process, please contact us at Remember that the best way to ensure quality treatment is to keep communication open and direct with your clinician(s).
AGREEMENT AND CONSENT. By clicking on the “I AGREE” button below, Participant: (1) certifies that Participant has been approved by the IRS to prepare and electronically file income tax returns, and that Participant has a current and valid EFIN; (2) acknowledges that Participant has read, understands and agrees to be bound by all of the terms and conditions set forth in this Agreement; (3) authorizes Provider to conduct background and credit checks pursuant to Section 9.9 of this Agreement; and (4) consents to receiving the Agreement and any Compliance Memo in electronic form. By providing this Agreement to Participant and making the Program available through Participant, Provider and Bank agree to be bound by this Agreement. Participant’s and Provider’s consent and agreement to all terms and conditions herein will be irrevocably confirmed when Participant transmits an Application to Provider and that Application is accepted and processed by Provider. These terms may be amended and agreed upon by all parties by Provider providing written notice of such amended terms to Participant, Participant transmitting an Application to Provider after receipt of such amended terms, and Provider accepting and processing the Application.
AGREEMENT AND CONSENT. Re: ("The Minor") I, , as the parent(s) or legal guardian(s) of The Minor, hereby agree that Rock Solid Refuge Inc. may assume custody and control of The Minor, and may act on my behalf in The Minor's benefit so long as The Minor may reside at the Rock Solid Refuge Residence. I hereby release them from any liability or responsibility, with regard to any injuries or medical conditions, which The Minor has or has had prior to the signing of this release. I also hold Rock Solid Refuge Inc. harmless from and agree to indemnify Rock Solid Refuge, for any liability arising out of their care and custody of The Minor. The purpose of this Agreement is to allow Rock Solid Refuge Inc. to make all decisions on The Minor's behalf as though they were the minor's legal guardian, so far as the law will allow, without attempting to relieve me of any responsibility. I hereby agree that Rock Solid Refuge, shall keep The Minor for not less than one year, or until I revoke this Agreement and Consent in writing. Parent Signature Date Parent Signature Date Director Signature Date I, , as the parent or legal guardian of , who is a juvenile do hereby grant Rock Solid Refuge the right, authority and consent to provide medical surgical or dental aide to their discretion. I understand that if possible, I will be notified in advance of any medical, surgical or dental aide. I also understand that I, as the parent or legal guardian, will be fully responsible to pay any doctor or hospital bills, costs or medicine costs incurred while is in the program. I understand that I will be billed by the billing agencies. I also agree to provide any medical or dental insurance forms to Rock Solid Refuge under this agreement. Parent/Guardian Signature Date Parent/Guardian Signature Date Director Signature Date If at any time you feel you have received treatment that is harmful to you, either physically or emotionally, you have the right to file a written grievance. The grievance must be filed within five (5) days of the incident. Grievance forms may be obtained from the staff on duty. The grievance will be reviewed and responded to within 24 hours (with the exception of weekends and holidays). The response is only to acknowledge having received the form and to set up a meeting time to discuss the problem. Student Signature Date Parent/Guardian Signature Date Parent/Guardian Signature Date Director Signature Date I, , legal guardian of , a student in the Rock Solid Refuge program, agree to participat...
AGREEMENT AND CONSENT. By clicking on the “I AGREE” button below, Participant: (1) certifies that Participant has been approved by the IRS to prepare and electronically file income tax returns, and that Participant has a current and valid EFIN; (2) acknowledges that Participant has read, understands and agrees
AGREEMENT AND CONSENT. Agreement and Consent. By inserting your name and date as your signature to this Agreement you acknowledge and agree that:
AGREEMENT AND CONSENT. This Agreement requires your agreement, either by signature or online if available. Your Home Branch and hours are set forth below: