Cooperative housing corporation definition

Cooperative housing corporation means a corporation in which each member is entitled, solely by
Cooperative housing corporation means a corporation:
Cooperative housing corporation means a corporation in which each member is entitled, solely by reason of his membership in the corporation, to occupy for dwelling purposes a house or an apartment in a building owned or leased or to be owned or leased by the corporation or to purchase a dwelling constructed or to be constructed by the corporation. The corporation shall not be or intend to be engaged in any business or activity other than the ownership, leasing, management, or construction of residential properties for its members, except to the extent that such business or activity is incidental to the ownership, leasing, management, or construction of residential properties. The securities of the corporation shall be issued only in connection with the sale or lease of dwelling units to persons who are or thereupon become members of the corporation and shall be transferable by the purchasers only in connection with the transfer of such dwelling units or leases to other persons who are or thereupon become members.

Examples of Cooperative housing corporation in a sentence

  • Lexington Square Townhouses is a Cooperative housing corporation chartered in the State of Georgia on November 26, 1969.

  • REQUIREMENTS TO BE A “COOPERATIVE HOUSING CORPORATION” IRC § 216(b) (1) defines a “cooperative housing corporation” as follows: (1) Cooperative housing corporation.

  • Section C – Rebate calculation for Type 8: Co-operative housing corporation (Co-op) unitsFor a co-op, complete one rebate application (Form GST524) and one supplement (Form GST525) for each qualifying residential unit in the complex.If the co-op paid HST on the complex, complete lines A and B.

  • Because the project site is not within the vicinity of a Wild and Scenic River, implementation of the proposed project would not result in any conflicts with the Wild and Scenic Rivers Act.

More Definitions of Cooperative housing corporation

Cooperative housing corporation means a domestic or foreign corporation qualified in this State, either stock or non stock, having only one class of stock or membership, in which each stockholder or member, by virtue of such ownership or membership, has a cooperative interest in the corporation.
Cooperative housing corporation means a corporation formed pursuant to article 33.5 of title 38, C.R.S.
Cooperative housing corporation means a corporation organized under the laws of this State or any other state for the purpose of the cooperative ownership of real estate whereby each of the stockholders or members is entitled, through ownership of stock or a certificate of membership in the corporation, to occupy a house, apartment or other dwelling unit on real estate owned by the corporation.
Cooperative housing corporation means a domestic or foreign corporation qualified in the State, either stock or nonstock, having only one class of stock or membership, in which each stockholder or member, by virtue of such ownership or membership, has an interest in a cooperative housing corporation, which interest is coupled with a possessory interest in real or personal property or both and evidenced by a membership certificate.
Cooperative housing corporation means a corporation having only one class of stock outstanding, each of the stockholders of which is entitled by reason of the shareholder's ownership of stock in the corporation to occupy for dwelling purposes a dwelling unit in a building owned or leased by the corporation, and no stockholder of which is entitled, either conditionally or unconditionally, to receive any distribution not out of earnings and profits of the corporation except in a complete or partial liquidation of the corporation.
Cooperative housing corporation means a corporation organized FORMED pursuant to article 33.5 of title 38, C.R.S. or any functionally equivalent entity formed under any subsequently enacted statute of this state.
Cooperative housing corporation means an entity organized for the purpose of owning residential real estate in which residents own shares that entitle them to inhabit a designated space within a residential dwelling.