Examples of Core Forest in a sentence
The Forest Resource Area includes forested areas characterized by one or more of the following forest integrity indicators: a contiguous forest patch of 500 acres or more; an area consisting of 250 contiguous acres or more of Core Forest; or areas accounting for 45% or more of mean total forest cover.
The Core Forest and Wildlife Habitat Overlay encompasses areas of Hyde Park that include large, non- fragmented blocks of forest habitat, other important habitat areas, and wildlife travel corridors.
Delineation of the Overlay: The Core Forest and Wildlife Habitat Overlay shall encompasses those areas depicted on the Core Forest and Wildlife Habitat Map attached to these regulationsApplication requirements: This chapter only applies to land development projects subject to site plan review, conditional use review and minor or major subdivision review.
The property is located at 2783 North Hyde Park Road in the RR2 Zoning District and within the Core Forest and Wildlife Habitat Overlay.Gunner McCain, agent for the landowner and applicant, reviewed the proposal to subdivide the 11.6 acre parcel which is mostly meadowland, noting that he did not address Core Forest as it is mostly open land.
The Core Forest is a large (~150,000 acres) complex of forest and wetlands that has remained unfragmented by large roads, utility rights-of-way, heavily-used water bodies, agriculture and other cultural features.
Projects located in, or otherwise impacting, a Core Forest will not pass the Stage One threshold review of the evaluation process.
Communication processes in and between Forest Sector Core, Forest Related Cluster and Society at large.
Eligible Bidders must indicate which State Agency is responsible for managing the State’s interest.Eligible Bidders must demonstrate that the project site does not impact, in whole or in part, Core Forest.
Based on a review of DEEP’s Forestland Habitat Impact map, there is no Core Forest located on the Project Site either.
There is also an EU Life Nature programme for Scotland's Caledonian forests and Core Forest Sites.