Compliance Committee means the committee referenced under the Federated Code of Business Conduct and Ethics, consisting of, among others, the Chief Compliance Officer, the General Counsel, the Chief Audit Executive and the Chief Risk Officer.
Finance Committee means the Finance Committee of the University;
Governance Committee means the Governance Committee of the Board.
Nominating and Corporate Governance Committee means the nominating and corporate governance committee of the board of directors of the Company established pursuant to the Articles, or any successor committee.
State committee means a committee formed to support or oppose candidates for state office or state ballot measures.
Candidate Committee means a committee established by a candidate pursuant to N.J.S.A. 19:44A-9(a), for the purpose of receiving contributions and making expenditures.
Audit Committee means the audit committee of the board of directors of the Company established pursuant to the Articles, or any successor committee.
Credentials Committee means the committee established by the Medical Advisory Committee to review applications for appointment and reappointment to the Professional Staff and to make recommendations to the Medical Advisory Committee and if no such committee is established it shall mean the Medical Advisory Committee;
Ethics Committee means an independent body established in a Member State in accordance with the law of that Member State and empowered to give opinions for the purposes of this Regulation, taking into account the views of laypersons, in particular patients or patients' organisations;
Compliance Officer means Company Secretary or such other senior officer, who is financially literate and is capable of appreciating requirements for legal and regulatory compliance under these regulations designated so and reporting to the Board of Directors and who shall be responsible for compliance of policies, procedures, maintenance of records, monitoring adherence to the rules for the preservation of unpublished price sensitive information, monitoring of trades and the implementation of the codes specified in these regulations under the overall supervision of the Board of Directors of the Company.
Legislative Leadership Committee means a committee established, authorized to be established, or designated by the President of the Senate, the Minority Leader of the Senate, the Speaker of the General Assembly, or the Minority Leader of the General Assembly pursuant to N.J.S.A. 19:44A-10.1 for the purpose of receiving contributions and making expenditures.
Monitoring Committee means the committee established under clause 10 of this Award.
Grievance Committee means the Grievance Committee of the Bar.
Chief Compliance Officer means the individual appointed by the Board as BSEF’s chief compliance officer in accordance with the Operating Agreement, with the duties and responsibilities as may be prescribed by the Board from time to time as set forth in Rule 208.
Seattle Human Resources Director means the director of the Seattle Department of Human Resources or his or her designated management representative.
standards committee (“pwyllgor safonau”) means the standards committee of the county or county borough council which has functions in relation to the community council for which it is responsible under section 56(1) and (2) of the Local Government Act 2000.
College board means the state board for community and
Nominating Committee means the nominating committee of the board of directors of the Company established pursuant to the Articles, or any successor committee.
Chairman of the Board means the Chairman of the Board of the Corporation.
Regional Committee means a Regional Committee constituted under these articles;
Operating Committee means the Operating Committee of Epoch which meets frequently and is responsible for implementing the Company’s strategy, making operational decisions and overseeing the day-to-day running of the Company.
Supervisory Committee means an oversight committee elected at a general meeting;
Banning Committee means a Committee constituted for the purpose of these guidelines by the competent authority. The members of this Committee shall not, at any stage, be connected with the tendering process under reference.
Medical Executive Committee or “MEC” means the Executive Committee of the Medical Staff.
Executive Committee means a group of directors elected or appointed to act on behalf of, and within the powers granted to them by, the Commission.
State Management Committee means a Committee comprising representatives from the Confederation of Western Australian Industry, the Trades and Labor Council of Western Australia, Technical and Further Education (TAFE) and the relevant Federal and State Government Departments which approve traineeship arrangements by agreement of each of the parties. The State Management Committee may be established pursuant to the provisions of the Industrial and Commercial Training Act, 1975 or any amendment to or substitution of that Act, provided that any Committee or body established in lieu of the State Management Committee has the same representatives structure and decision making processes as that Committee.