Examples of Corresponding Author in a sentence
After submission of the Consent to Publish form signed by the Corresponding Author, changes of authorship, or in the order of the authors listed, will not be accepted by the Publisher.
If the Publisher is the terminating Party the notice need only be provided to the address of the Corresponding Author.
Upon request from Xxxxxxx Open, the Corresponding Author shall at his/her own expense provide written evidence of the same to Xxxxxxx Open.
In the event of co-authors having entered into this Agreement the Publisher shall send the page proofs to the Corresponding Author only and all persons entering into this Agreement as Author agree that the Corresponding Author shall correct and approve the page proofs on their behalf.
The Corresponding Author shall disclose, in Schedule 1: Details of the Work, details relating to all actual or potential conflicts of interest relating to the Work, and all financial contributions relevant to the Work and its publication pursuant to this Agreement.