Eligible Author definition

Eligible Author means a Corresponding Author from the Institution of an article accepted in a Licensed Title.
Eligible Author means an author of a musical work, whether created before or after the coming into force of this Part, that is embodied in a sound recording, whether made before or after the coming into force of this Part, if copyright subsists in Canada in that musical work;
Eligible Author means authors who want to publish Open Access Articles, are affiliated with one of the Institutions, and the submitting corresponding author.

Examples of Eligible Author in a sentence

  • In the event that an Eligible Author is not identified on acceptance, and their articles are discovered not to have been published Open Access, the Publisher will contact the Eligible Authors and offer them the opportunity to convert to Open Access free of an APC.

  • In the event that an Eligible Author is not identified on acceptance, and their articles are discovered to have been published Open Access and that an APC was paid, the Publisher will contact the Eligible Authors and their Institution and offer to refund the APC.

  • The Publisher acknowledges that all copyright in the Open Access Articles remain the exclusive property of the author(s) and that this License does not assign or transfer to the Publisher any right, title or interest in such copyright except for the right to publish the Open Access Articles under the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons license chosen by the Eligible Author.

  • The Eligible Author can be identified through at least one of the following parameters: IP ranges specified by the Institution; and/or e-mail domain (‘@XX.xx’, list possible domain variations) persistent identifier, such as Ringgold, ORCID or other recognized institutional identifier as provided by the author and published in the Metadata; and/or affiliation as stated in the article to be published.

More Definitions of Eligible Author

Eligible Author means a corresponding author that has submitted a journal article manuscript for publication with the Licensor, in a journal that is within the Licensed Materials at the date of submission and has stated its affiliation with the Licensor at submission.
Eligible Author the corresponding author of an Eligible Article who is affiliated with a Customer “Customer” as defined at “Customer” in the Commercial Terms above “Eligible Article” a research article, review article, brief report, or case report, in each case (i) written by an Eligible Author, (ii) accepted after peer-review (in accordance with the policies of the applicable Eligible Journal) for publication in an Eligible Journal, and (iii) which is Received into Production during the Term, subject to the terms of the Author Agreement. For clarity, articles in supplements (i.e. specifically designated issues supplementary to a journal’s usual publication, often sponsored by third parties), are not considered to be Eligible Articles hereunder “Eligible Journal” the Journals marked as eligible for open access publication in Schedule C, as such list may be updated by Publisher from time to time, without prejudice to the provisions of Clause 5.5 of the General Terms and Conditions “Excluded Journals” the journals that are not marked as eligible for open access publication in Schedule C “Hosting Fees” the fees payable by the Customer for perpetual access to the Journals as further described in Clause 5.2 of these Usage Terms and Conditions “Insolvency Event” the making of an order or the passing of a resolution for a party’s winding up, the making of an order for the appointment of an administrator to manage a party’s affairs, business or property, the appointment of a receiver of any of the party’s assets or undertaking, the occurrence of any circumstances which entitle the Court or a creditor to appoint a receiver or manager or which entitle the Court to make a winding-up order, or the taking or sufferance by a party of any similar or analogous action in consequence of debt, or the taking or passing of any equivalent action, resolution or order under the laws of any jurisdiction “Journals” the online version of Publisher’s publications (i) listed in Schedule C; and/or (ii) otherwise agreed in writing by both parties and to be added to this AgreementLegal Notice” for each Publication, the legal notice and/or terms of use of that Publication as specified on the website for the Publication in a document linked from the footer or header of the Publication’s homepage “Name of Account” ‘Swedish Universities (Bibsam affiliated)’, being the name of the OA Account “Non-Commercial Text And Data Mining” Text And Data Mining for the sole purpose of research for a non- commercial pu...
Eligible Author means a corresponding author who is affiliated with a Member as a current faculty member, researcher (permanent, temporary and visiting), or student at the time of acceptance of the Eligible Article for publication. For the purposes of this License Agreement, a manuscript may not have more than one corresponding author. Eligible Journals means OPG Journals eligible for open access publication under the agreement, as listed in Exhibit B. License Fee means the fees the Members will pay to OPG to have access to and publish in the Licensed Materials as set out in Exhibit C. Licensed Materials means the electronic journals or other materials and resources, subscribed to by a Member under this Agreement and as identified in Exhibit B and for which the Member is eligible for post termination access. Member means a university, other educational institution or research organization operating one or more Authorized Site(s) that has signed up to be a Member of the Consortium and listed in Exhibit A. Members may be added or removed from Exhibit A at the beginning of year two of the agreement.
Eligible Author carries the meaning set out in Schedule 4.
Eligible Author means a Corresponding Author from an Licensee of an Open Access Article accepted in a Licensed Title. “Funder” means the body or bodies (if any) under whose funding terms either the Open Access Article was prepared, or the work on which it is based, was carried out. “Hybrid Journal” means a journal title forming part of the Licensed Material in which articles that are not Open Access Articles are published in the same issue as Open Access Articles. “Initial Fee” means the annual fee payable during the Initial Term, as set out in Appendix D, excluding all applicable taxes (if any). “Initial Term” shall mean three (3) years from the Effective Date. “Institutional System” means a system, such as an institutional repository or current research information system (XXXX), which the Licensee uses to collect, store or make publicly available, research outputs including information relating to research outputs.

Related to Eligible Author

  • Eligible Authorised Participant means any entity that meets the requirements of the LS Operating Procedures Agreement.

  • Eligible applicant means a school district, joint

  • Eligible Assets means the instruments in which the Issuer may invest as described in Exhibit B to this Agreement, which may be amended from time to time with the prior written consent of the Purchaser.

  • Eligible Asset An Asset:

  • Eligible activities or "eligible activity" means 1 or more of the following:

  • Eligible advance means an advance made before August 19, 1993.

  • Eligible Assignee means any Person that meets the requirements to be an assignee under Section 10.06(b)(iii) and (v) (subject to such consents, if any, as may be required under Section 10.06(b)(iii)).

  • Eligible Loan means a Loan offered for sale or substituted by Seller under a Sale Agreement which as of the Statistical Cutoff Date, in the case of the Initial Loans, or as of the related Subsequent Cutoff Date, in the case of any Additional Loan or Substituted Loan, is current or not more past due than permitted under such Sale Agreement in payment of principal or interest and which meets the following criteria as of the Statistical Cutoff Date, in the case of the Initial Loans, or as of the effective date of the related Xxxx of Sale, in the case of any Additional Loan or Substituted Loan:

  • Eligible Accounts are Accounts which arise in the ordinary course of Borrower’s business that meet all Borrower’s representations and warranties in Section 5.3. Bank reserves the right at any time and from time to time after the Effective Date, to adjust any of the criteria set forth below and to establish new criteria in its good faith business judgment. Unless Bank agrees otherwise in writing, Eligible Accounts shall not include:

  • Ineligible Assignee means a natural Person, the Borrower, any Affiliate of the Borrower or any other Person taking direction from, or working in concert with, the Borrower or any of the Borrower’s Affiliates.

  • Eligible Credit Card Receivables means at the time of any determination thereof, each Credit Card Receivable that satisfies the following criteria at the time of creation and continues to meet the same at the time of such determination: such Credit Card Receivable (i) has been earned by performance and represents the bona fide amounts due to a Borrower from a credit card payment processor and/or credit card issuer, and in each case originated in the ordinary course of business of such Borrower, and (ii) is not ineligible for inclusion in the calculation of the Borrowing Base pursuant to any of clauses (a) through (k) below. Without limiting the foregoing, to qualify as an Eligible Credit Card Receivable, an Account shall indicate no Person other than a Borrower as payee or remittance party. In determining the amount to be so included, the face amount of an Account shall be reduced by, without duplication, to the extent not reflected in such face amount, (i) the amount of all accrued and actual discounts, claims, credits or credits pending, promotional program allowances, price adjustments, finance charges or other allowances (including any amount that a Borrower may be obligated to rebate to a customer, a credit card payment processor, or credit card issuer pursuant to the terms of any agreement or understanding (written or oral)) and (ii) the aggregate amount of all cash received in respect of such Account but not yet applied by the Loan Parties to reduce the amount of such Credit Card Receivable. Any Credit Card Receivables meeting the foregoing criteria shall be deemed Eligible Credit Card Receivables but only as long as such Credit Card Receivable is not included within any of the following categories, in which case such Credit Card Receivable shall not constitute an Eligible Credit Card Receivable:

  • Eligible veteran means an individual who is certified by the Wisconsin Department of Veterans Affairs as meeting all of the following conditions:

  • Eligible Unbilled Receivable means, at any time, any Unbilled Receivable if (a) the related Originator has recognized the related revenue on its financial books and records under GAAP, and (b) not more than thirty (30) days have expired since the date such Unbilled Receivable arose.

  • Eligible Portfolio Investment means any Portfolio Investment held by any Obligor (and solely for purposes of determining the Borrowing Base, Cash and Cash Equivalents held by any Obligor) that, in each case, meets all of the criteria set forth on Schedule 1.01(d) hereto; provided, that no Portfolio Investment, Cash or Cash Equivalent shall constitute an Eligible Portfolio Investment or be included in the Borrowing Base if the Collateral Agent does not at all times maintain a first priority, perfected Lien (subject to no other Liens other than Eligible Liens) on such Portfolio Investment, Cash or Cash Equivalent or if such Portfolio Investment, Cash or Cash Equivalent has not been or does not at all times continue to be Delivered (as defined in the Guarantee and Security Agreement). Without limiting the generality of the foregoing, it is understood and agreed that any Portfolio Investments that have been contributed or sold, purported to be contributed or sold or otherwise transferred to any Financing Subsidiary, or held by any Financing Subsidiary, or which secure obligations of any Financing Subsidiary, shall not be treated as Eligible Portfolio Investments until distributed, sold or otherwise transferred to the Borrower free and clear of all Liens (other than Eligible Liens). Notwithstanding the foregoing, nothing herein shall limit the provisions of Section 5.12(b)(i), which provide that, for purposes of this Agreement, all determinations of whether an Investment is to be included as an Eligible Portfolio Investment shall be determined on a settlement-date basis (meaning that any Investment that has been purchased will not be treated as an Eligible Portfolio Investment until such purchase has settled, and any Eligible Portfolio Investment which has been sold will not be excluded as an Eligible Portfolio Investment until such sale has settled), provided that no such Investment shall be included as an Eligible Portfolio Investment to the extent it has not been paid for in full.

  • Eligible Country means the countries and territories eligible for participation in procurements.

  • Eligible Receivable means, at any time, a Receivable:

  • Eligible Receivables means Receivables arising in the ordinary course of Borrower's business from the sale of goods or rendition of services, which Silicon, in its sole judgment, shall deem eligible for borrowing, based on such considerations as Silicon may from time to time deem appropriate. Without limiting the fact that the determina-tion of which Receivables are eligible for borrowing is a matter of Silicon’s discretion, the following (the "Minimum Eligibility Requirements") are the minimum requirements for a Receivable to be an Eligible Receivable: (i) the Receivable must not be outstanding for more than 90 days from its invoice date, (ii) the Receivable must not represent progress xxxxxxxx, or be due under a fulfillment or requirements contract with the Account Debtor, (iii) the Receivable must not be subject to any contingencies (including Receivables arising from sales on consignment, guaranteed sale or other terms pursuant to which payment by the Account Debtor may be condi-tional), (iv) the Receivable must not be owing from an Account Debtor with whom the Borrower has any dispute (whether or not relating to the particular Receivable), (v) the Receivable must not be owing from an Affiliate of Borrower, (vi) the Receivable must not be owing from an Account Debtor which is subject to any insolvency or bankruptcy proceeding, or whose financial condition is not acceptable to Silicon, or which, fails or goes out of a mate-rial portion of its business, (vii) the Receivable must not be owing from the United States or any department, agency or instrumentality thereof (unless there has been compliance, to Silicon’s satisfaction, with the United States Assignment of Claims Act), (viii) the Receivable must not be owing from an Account Debtor located outside the United States or Canada (unless pre-approved by Silicon in its discretion in writing, or backed by a letter of credit sat-isfactory to Silicon, or FCIA insured satisfactory to Silicon), (ix) the Receivable must not be owing from an Account Debtor to whom Borrower is or may be liable for goods purchased from such Account Debtor or otherwise. Receivables owing from one Account Debtor will not be deemed Eligible Receivables to the extent they exceed 25% of the total Receivables outstanding. In addi-tion, if more than 50% of the Receivables owing from an Account Debtor are outstanding more than 90 days from their invoice date (without regard to unapplied credits) or are otherwise not eligible Receivables, then all Receivables owing from that Account Debtor will be deemed ineligible for borrowing. Silicon may, from time to time, in its discretion, revise the Minimum Eligibility Requirements, upon written notice to the Borrower.