Examples of Cost of electricity in a sentence
Cost of electricity, gas, water, sewer, solid waste disposal, cable television and telephone service at the Resort.
Cost of electricity, gas, water, sewer, solid waste disposal and cable television.
Cost of electricity, gas, water, sewer, solid waste disposal, cable television and telephone service for the Vacation Homes at the Resort.
Electricity – Cost of electricity services for this reporting period.2. Water & Sewer – Cost of water and sewer services for this reporting period.3. HVAC Fuel (Specify) - Cost of fuel expense for heating the building.
S.NoParticularsNOTES:• For electricity generated through diesel generator, cost of the diesel has been considered.• Since various types of fuel used are alternative to each other, no standard can be fixed for their consumption.• Due to change in mix of fuel used, no comparison can be made with the earlier years.• Cost of electricity generated through steam turbine has been arrived at after giving credit for the exhaust steam subsequently used in the manufacturing process.
Cost of electricity per kilowatt-hour (average) for 12 months ending September 30, 1992.
Up/down regulation offer price of unit i [$/MWh].has increased compared to previous years as spot marketsCsh,E Cost of electricity load shedding [$/MWh].Csp Cost of wind power spillage [$/MWh].(e.g., Gaspoint Nordic) continuously develop and attract larger volumes for trading [6].
Cost of electricity generated by the FC vehicle can be calculated using equation (4.2), which for the case of the FC becomes equation (4.8)C = CPEE Eff (4.8)elec where CPE is cost per kg of H2 in $/kg and Effelec is the electrical efficiency of the FC in kWh/kg H2 (median value is 14.75 kWh/kg H2).
Consequently, the CPSC Accreditation process has done considerable ground-breaking work in designing comprehensive assessment tools, including for the assessment of Core Values.
Cost of electricity imported from Thailand at 22 kV is based on two part – time of use tariff of Provincial Electricity Authority applicable for the category of consumer.