Examples of Counting center in a sentence
Examples include the “Rulebook on procedures of verification and the manner of counting of votes at the Counting center in Sarajevo” and the “Rulebook on the announcement of preliminary results and validation of the final election results”.
Counting center staff were trained in the use of the software on the job because, as indicated earlier, this training was not provided sufficiently far in advance.
Counting center employees [in the presence of at least two official observers] shall prepare a new ballot to replace each defective ballot[.]; provided that the replacement ballot may not be counted until reviewed by at least two official observers.
Counting center observers shall be provided training with respect to ballot processing procedures and the vote tallying system as required by RCW 29A.12.120.” Recommendation: Whitman County should determine the minimum number of observers needed to observe different events and request that number from each of the major political parties.
Statutory Authority: Titles 23B, 24, and 25 RCW, and chapter 43.07 RCW.434-180 Electronic authentication.434-208 Elections.434-215 Declarations of candidacy and filing pro-cedures.434-230 Ballots.434-250 Voting by mail.434-253 The polling place—Before, during and after the election.434-261 Counting center procedures.