Examples of Country Codes in a sentence
Enter the country abbreviation and code from ISO Country Codes set by the International Organization for Standardization (ISO).
The Country Codes appearing in this publication conform to those contained in annex A of the Handbook on Industrial Property Information and Documentation published by the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO).
Codes for the representation of names of countries and their subdivisions - Part 1: Country Codes.
The Highway & Country Codes must be observed at all times.The Ghyll Field mountain bike track may only be used according to published guidelines.
For each individual transaction, the country of incorporation of the counterpart should be reported using the ISO 3166-1 alpha 3 code (Annex 2 – ISO Country Codes).
Method : Test[T1-R588] TRITON shall use the NATO Standard Country Codes Table to map the country codes to country names.Requirement Property : Domain for Static : NS Domain for Afloat: NS Baseline : BL 1 Qualific.
The Control Panel allows administrators to work with the following configuration settings:• Detector settings• WiFi settings• Change Password• Firmware Update• View detector information• View the Error Log• Update Country Codes file• Reset software to Factory Image NoteControl Panel screens will vary slightly for the type of detector.
For example, Countries are coded by Country Codes, hence ‘coded by’ represents all the tuples (relationships) in the world between Countries and Country codes.
Among them are specifications of business documents by industrial associations, e.g. ChemXML as part of CIDX in the chemical industry, as well as harmonization efforts by standardization bodies, such as the ISO specifications for Currency and Country Codes or the UN/CEFACT Core Component Library.
See Appendix D Appendix D, Exhibit 74: Country Codes for potential values.