Examples of Emergency Location Information in a sentence
To utilize this option, Customer must in the initial or a subsequent Service Order request the assignment of Emergency Location Information numbers and provide location information for each zone exactly as it should appear to the 911 call taker.
Customer may choose to sign up for up to 10 Emergency Location Information Numbers (ELINs) that Customer could assign to zones within Customer’s premises that would be separately identified to the E911 call taker.
Customer agrees to cooperate with requests from Comcast to verify or update 911 Emergency Location Information within ten (10) business days of such a request.
Customer acknowledges that if they move prior to providing such notice and a 911 call is placed using the Trunk Services, or if Customer when using Emergency Location Information numbers does not timely update their telephone system to account for internal moves, adds and changes, the E911 call taker may see incorrect or incomplete location information and the caller may need to confirm their actual location information to the call taker.
Vyve will post only the main billing telephone number in the 911 database or databases using Customer’s billing address as the registered Service Location, unless Customer requests the assignment of Emergency Location Information as set forth above.
Customer represents, warrants and covenants that it will utilize the WOW! Emergency Location Information numbers described above at least to the extent required by law, and that Customer does not require the use of more than ten different location identifiers or other features not currently offered under this Agreement in order to comply with applicable laws.
Customer represents, warrants and covenants that it will utilize the Vyve Emergency Location Information numbers described above at least to the extent required by law, and that Customer does not require the use of more than ten different location identifiers or other features not currently offered under this Agreement in order to comply with applicable laws.
Customer acknowledges and agrees that it is the responsibility of the PBX owner or operator to transmit an Emergency Location Information Number (“ELIN”), that will be used to relay the address and caller data to emergency services, to STRATA NETWORKS for each ERL.
Customer agrees to cooperate with requests from Vyve to verify or update 911 Emergency Location Information within ten (10) business days of such a request. Customer acknowledges and understands that it, and not Vyve, bears sole responsibility to ensure that it identifies and complies with all such applicable laws, and any failure to do so is a breach of the Agreement.
Customer agrees to cooperate with requests from Vyve to verify or update 911 Emergency Location Information within ten (10) business days of such a request.