Examples of County Roads in a sentence
Existing County roads, which will require reconstruction, shall remain open for traffic at all times, with adequate detours, during actual construction.
The County of Atlantic requires that Contractor(s) and all subcontractors shall use major highways and County roads for trucking purposes in connection with this project.
After opening of Bids, the low Bidders will be required to submit preferred truck routes using major highways and County roads.
The Contractor shall take all reasonable precautions to restrict operations to the least area of work possible and to minimize interference with traffic along the County roads, and shall not disturb private property beyond the areas of work.The Contractor shall provide access to private properties at all times.The Contractor shall maintain continuous access to the United States Postal Service and emergency services.
We have been coordinating with both Warren County (two of the three sidewalk extensions are along County roads, Route 637 and Route 638, respectively) and some of the affected utility companies who may have utility poles needing to be relocated.