Examples of CPD programme in a sentence
The post holder is expected to attend and participate in the academic programme of the Trust, including lectures and seminars as part of the internal CPD programme.
The rules defining the region where a block may be invoked are discussed later in this Section.
Such RP should be required to complete all outstanding CPD hours at the time of re-registration.In circumstances where an RP fails to respond to a request of the IARB to produce proof of compliance with the CPD programme, his registration should be revoked for a specified period of time as determined by the IARB.
CPD training organized by recognized CPD training providers is approved by the Committee for the AP CPD programme.
Any health professional who registers for the first time as a health care professional after 1st January of a particular year will commence with his or her CPD programme immediately.
The school’s/academy’s/LA’s CPD programme will be informed by the training and development needs identified as part of the appraisal process.
The Pensions Committee and Pension Board are committed to undertake a comprehensive CPD programme through physical, online training and/or personal reading on RI issues and climate change-related risks and opportunities.
The Council’s Section 151 Officer is the officer with overall responsibility for Capital and Treasury activities and is a professionally qualified accountant and follows an ongoing CPD programme.
The school’s CPD programme will be informed by the training and development needs identified in the training annex of the appraisees’ appraisal statements.
Discounted services, using core-funding from DfE & Arts Council, include access to a full CPD programme, performance opportunities, and whole class instrumental programme offers.